Sentences with phrase «product of science»

Today, AI is no longer seen as a futuristic product of science fiction, but rather an innovative technology that is changing the face of business.
If you have a problem with that then why trust any new medicine, or any other product of science?
These moral qualities are preconditions for the pursuit of science, not products of science except incidentally....
@Josh — Whatever you choose to believe, the products of science work.
Bubbles just volunteered himself to give up products of science.
Millennials are turning away because they have grown up in a world where they are surrounded by the products of science.
It criticizes not science in itself but an unqualified devotion to goals identified with the products of science.
There is a reflexive idea that the product of science must inherently be worse (in terms of cup quality or farming) than the «heirloom» varieties of the early 20th century or earlier.
Modern - day infant formula is the ultimate refined food, a product of science, composed of highly processed ingredients such as sugar, nonfat dried milk, vegetable oils and a list of synthetic nutrients.
That's not what science is — that's the product of science.
They also place greater emphasis on helping students understand not only the products of science — science content — but also the processes and practices used to create new knowledge.
The products of science and technology may be new, and some of them are quite horrid, but knitting?
A research finding can be said to be the product of science.
«Science was part of art and art was frequently the product of science,» Laue elaborates.
«Overstating confidence in scientific claims may... miss a long - term benefit for a short - term advantage: rhetorical oomph comes at the cost of an opportunity to educate people about how science works and why the products of science are our most reliable guides to the natural world.»
That said, there is a balance that needs to be struck between an unreasonable expectation of superhumanness and a reasonable expectation that the product of science be held to a higher standard.
You might even say «that which is established by negotiation can not be considered a product of science».
I.e. one is snake oil, the other is the product of science.
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