Sentences with phrase «production of fossil fuels»

In fact, it is the basis of his energy policy: All along, he has supported increased production of fossil fuels while implementing policies to reduce consumption of fossil fuels.
Among those 50 and older, 55 % say alternative energy development is more important, while 34 % say it's more important to expand production of fossil fuel energy sources.
Water is essential for all phases of energy generation, from production of fossil fuels and biofuels to power plant operation.
The U.S. efforts abroad to tackle climate change have been counter-balanced by Trump's aggressive push at home to increase production of the fossil fuels scientists blame for global warming.
In response to a 2018 shareholder proposal, Chevron goes so far as to ``... disagree with the premise... that future diversification of energy sources requires all energy producers to curtail production of fossil fuel resources and / or to diversify their portfolios proportionately.
Volvo Cars, owned outright by Hangzhou, China - based Geely Auto, has already stated it will cease production of fossil fuel - powered vehicles by 2020.
Trump's agenda includes canceling the Paris agreement, stopping payments for UN climate programs and clean energy funding, repealing the Obama Clean Power Plan, abolishing the Environmental Protection Agency, lifting all moratoriums on oil and gas drilling and coal mining and rescinding regulations that hinder production of fossil fuels.
Burning fossil fuels is unsustainable because the rate of natural production of fossil fuels is almost infinitely slower than the rate of use, resulting in a damaging build up of CO2 in the atmosphere and oceans.
There are some other subsidies that are not captured by the price - gap approach, such as those to support production of fossil fuel, fuel vouchers or other payments directly paid to low - income households.
But a new Pew Research Center survey finds that 65 % of Americans give priority to developing alternative energy sources, compared with 27 % who would emphasize expanded production of fossil fuel sources.
The U.S. efforts abroad to tackle climate change have been counter-balanced by Trump's aggressive push at home to increase production of the fossil fuels scientists blame for global warming.
But that support has shifted in the last year, with an increase in Americans saying domestic production of fossil fuels should be a top priority.
Scenarios are used to justify levels of continued development and production of fossil fuel resources.
About seven - in - ten (73 %) of those ages 18 to 49 say developing alternative sources of energy should be the more important priority, while 22 % say expanding production of fossil fuels should be the more important priority.
Production of fossil fuels was down about 130,000 barrels a day during the period.
«Water is required for all different forms of energy production, for the production of fossil fuels, biofuels, concentrated solar power.»
After all, the latter would entail divesting from the modern economy as a whole, since so many companies gain a distinct advantage from using gas - powered trucks rather than horse - drawn wagons, thus profiting from the production of fossil fuels.
On August 4 th, The Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Bill, 2016, was passed into law, after a long and extensive consultative process, aimed strengthening and improving the legal environment governing the exploration and production of fossil fuel.
This is largely due to human activity, particularly the keeping of large herds of cattle and flocks of chickens and the production of fossil fuels.
G20 country governments are providing $ 444 billion a year in subsidies for the production of fossil fuels.
«There's no doubt at all that the BLM leases significant areas for the production of fossil fuels, and there are certainly greenhouse gases associated with the production and consumption of those fuels,» Muller said, adding that federal government is trying to reduce some of those emissions.
In spite of current energy trends moving towards green and renewable options, Alberta is planning on double its production of fossil fuels by 2030, meaning that higher supply will generate lower market rates, presenting a more affordable alternative to the American market.
Flaring is the process of burning waste gases from the production of fossil fuels, chemical plants, or landfills.
It shows that a fully rebated fee of $ 49 / ton CO2e on the production of fossil fuels would provide the lowest 10 % on the income scale a 9 % net raise on per - person after tax income.
Over the course of the past three years, overall CO2 emissions from the production of fossil fuels have remained flat while the economy has grown, on average, at a rate of 3.1 percent.
While the majority of Americans want stronger U.S. action on climate change, policies at the state and federal level continue to underwrite the ongoing exploration and production of fossil fuels.
The process mimics the natural geological processes thought to be involved in the production of fossil fuels.
Participants also voiced concerns about the job implications of the energy transition, and the need for measures to shield regions that rely on the production of fossil fuel such as coal and shale from the adverse consequences of the energy transition.
The two will unveil legislation Wednesday designed to radically reduce the production of fossil fuels, which they say is necessary to prevent dangerous levels of global warming.
But a key element of a managed decline is that it must come hand - in - hand with a just transition for jobs and communities that have become dependant on the production of fossil fuels.
Note that LCOE does not factor in transmission considerations or dispatchability (i.e. unlike unpredictable winds, the energy production of fossil fuel and nuclear plants can be controlled).
In doing so, renewables reduce the consumption of fossil fuel and production of fossil fuel - related carbon dioxide emissions.
«As discussed above, numerous federal statutes authorize, encourage, and sometimes even require the production of fossil fuels.
«The Energy Policy Act of 2005 similarly speaks directly to the production of fossil fuels... («The purpose of this section is to promote natural gas production from the natural gas hydrate resources on the outer Continental Shelf and Federal lands in Alaska»); id.
«Plaintiffs are not asking this Court to stop or regulate the production of fossil fuels in Colorado or elsewhere and they are not asking this Court to stop or regulate emissions in Colorado or elsewhere; they ask only that Defendants help remediate the nuisance caused by their intentional, reckless and negligent conduct, specifically by paying their share of the Plaintiffs» abatement costs.»
But the plaintiffs have argued that their lawsuit is focused on the production of fossil fuels, not their combustion.
«Whereas Plaintiffs allege that Defendants» production of fossil fuels has created an «unreasonable» interference with public rights, Oak.
First, production of every fossil fuel, the dominant source of energy for the modern economy, will peak and begin to decline.
«Keeping it in the ground» does not mean stopping all production of fossil fuels instantly.
, much less has been paid to the supply side: «how do we rein in production of fossil fuels that the climate can't afford?».
Commitment of capital is the necessary precursor to production of fossil fuels and, eventually, combustion of carbon into the atmosphere.
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