Sentences with phrase «production of the game»

During the entire production of the game everyone of the team would come up with some good one - liners.
So in short, what this is saying is we'll see improved stability, more crossover games, faster production of those games, and better online.
By doing so, you will acquire the skills needed to be able to contribute to the design and production of games similar to the ones you've grown up with and loved.
If everything goes well you may eventually see the game made, but with production of some games costing over $ 1 million dollars, knowing how to design video games alone is not enough.
During production of the game the team made use of the new Articulate Review app to share design ideas and feedback.
In order to get this project off the ground, David took to Kickstarter to help fund the initial production of the game in order for them to be able to pitch it to publishers.
The remaining PS Vita loyalists were dealt a blow this week, with news Sony will cease production of game cartridges in Europe and US by the end of March 2019.
In 2012, Symphonic Fantasies managed to be the first European production of a game concert to be performed in Japan.
The team has apparently been using their own savings to continue production of the game, but they believe the issue with PayPal will soon be resolved.
A: Engine development and pre-production have been going on since 2009, and full production of the game began in the fall of 2010.
The guys needed funding to cover their costs, pay their artists, and maybe even pay themselves... Liane: How were you planning on funding the final production of the game?
The whole production of the game (and the series in general) is really high!
Side note: the entire production of the game has been meticulously documented by video production house 2 Player, which has resulted in footage that's perhaps the most valuable and instructive we have about the highs and lows of mid-to-high-budget game development.
Bioware / EA were arrogant to rush the production of this game which allowed a very incomplete game to hit the shelves on release day as well as ignorant to think that the Mass Effect fanbase would allow them to get away with this crime unpunished.
Needless to say, we're not doing this [the production of the game] half assed.»
When Adam first mentioned his participation in the production of this game, I was floored.
Actor Liam McIntyre, who is known for playing the role of Spartacus on the television series is also apparently involved in the production of the game with his testing and feedback.
JG: [Thinks for a bit] It's just funny to me because being so involved in games, so steeped in the production of games, I don't see titles of games like God of War or Splinter Cell, I see the composer that worked on them because I know most of them personally.
I'll tell you why, because we, as gamers, expect EVERY part of the productions of our games to prosper & be top tier... from sound, to graphics, to gameplay / controls, ALL parts of our expensive hobby SHOULD be optimized to take advantage of the hardware they are developing it on.
What exactly is his involvement with the production of the game...?
All of the love and attention Sonic got over the years came from the fans, so Sega decided to get some of them directly involved in the production of this game.
Because of the production of the games and the cost of the physical media, some titles were priced as high as $ 60.
The video below shows the development team involved in the production of the game discussing how the team... Read more
Nintendo could fund the production of the game if they were allowed to write a contract with Dyack that if he pulls any crap that they can sue him and Precursor Games in court for damages, or breach of contract.
Nojima stated in an interview that the production of the game would match the demand — if the fans cried out for Final Fantasy X-3, then one would eventually come to pass.
During the production of that game, the team experimented with an eventually - aborted rope mechanic — that soon evolved into Rope's gameplay, where players cut through strings and dangle sweets and candy into a hungry monster's gaping mouth.
The cities re-taken by nature create fantastic artwork, and The Art of the Last of Us delves into the character model design as well as some great concept art from the production of the game.
Activision fired West and Zampella on March 1, alleging they had violated their contracts by seeking to start an independent studio and purposefully slowing the production of games while working for the Santa Monica - based publisher.
Because of that delay, the whole development environment was delayed, which also impacted the production of the games.
The Art of Bioshock Infinite contains BioShock concept art and designs from the production of the game, including how the Sky - Hooks came about.
«We want the Ukraine to become a center for the production of games, special effects for the movie industry needs,» Yavorsky says.»
Throughout the 7 - year development of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, over 100 people were involved in the production of the game.
Even when he wanted to move away from the series, he couldn't, and to his credit, he still put all his talents and backing into the production of the game, and didn't half ass it.
As the launch for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 closes in, Konami has sent out a special video with Dave Cox, Producer of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and Studio Head of European Production for Konami, alongside the acclaimed composer Oscar Araujo overseeing the production of the game's soundtrack.
The team oversaw the complete design, development and production of the game.
OUROTORRUS: I must say that I'm overwhelmed by the production of games and I struggle to follow all that is going on.
Once this is done, we imagine that production of the game will finally commence.
Hiroaki Kato was project manager on Final Fantasy XII, and he was running the whole schedule for the development and production of the game.
Also, the press release noted that Sony isn't involved in the production of the game, and «Yakuza 0 is...
For players outside of full time employment, forty hours could easily be racked up in one week, and with the production of games ramping up to greater numbers of titles at this time, the arrangement of the market for games meant that the gamers who played as a hobby could play something different every week if they wanted to.
As director, I am managing CD design, along with the production of game soundtracks.
There's some interesting history behind the production of this game — two Falcom employees, Yoshio Kiya and Inoue Tadanobu, were put in competition and tasked with making RPGs at the same time.
If you're a small indie developer it might not feel very tempting to take time from the production of your game to «hang out on Twitter».
This money will aid us in hiring more people and resources involved in the production of the game.
Reviewers were scoring the game at around 8 or 9 out of 10, praising the combat system and the production of the game while fans were upset by the lack of freedom and the slog to get through the first third of the game.
Bad news for fans who have been patiently waiting for the release of the remake of System Shock: Night Dive Studios, the team who was able to raise $ 1.35 million for funding the game on Kickstarter back in 2016, has just announced that production of the game will be temporarily halted.
On our end, we'll be working on the Unity programming, physics, tuning and general design and production of the game.
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