Sentences with phrase «productive interactions»

Frequent opportunities are provided for productive interaction with practitioners and practice team decision - makers representing a broad range of veterinary businesses and geographic locations.
Social skills are crucial for mutually productive interactions and durable interpersonal relationships.
Additionally, the well - known motivational tool of «catching people doing something right» is useful in getting the couple to have productive interactions in the moment.
An understanding of the role that emotions play in learning can lay the foundation for positive and productive interactions with students, colleagues, administrators, and parents.
In the paper, Bentley and Savage argue for a more productive interaction between ideas, evidence, policy and practice in education.
Highly effective manager able to facilitate productive interaction of cross-functional teams.
In order to have productive interactions throughout the day, it's important to first fill up personally, making sure I'm not only energized physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.»
Furthermore, the Vallee Visiting Professor program has established an enduring global network of scientific enterprises, which in turn creates a common ground for productive interactions among its members and with other individuals and organizations.
A lot of what's happening in these sessions is reflection on the part of Milwaukee's educational leaders, that they hope leads to action — specifically, more productive interactions between school staff and students.
We ground our business in positive and productive interactions with colleagues, customers, and vendors.
They will have up - to - the - moment data about student progress in order to personalize and individualize instruction which, contrary to some fears and beliefs, should lead to more focused and productive interactions between teachers and their students.
If you can shift your role toward a healthier version of what you're already doing, you'll save time with more productive interactions and, let's be honest, people will just like you more.
But meetings don't facilitate meaningful or productive interaction, he says.
Unlike schools, which grow increasingly segregated and involve more individual instruction as children grow older, afterschool programs are spaces where instructors, often similar to the students in age and background, can facilitate diverse, productive interactions that help youth reach social and academic goals.
The first few days of the course provide a wonderful opportunity for an instructor to engage the learners, connect them with each other and create an environment that is conducive to productive interactions.
The participatory, inquiry - based classroom engages students in meaningful learning activities and productive interactions with their peers.
Then, for instance, when it came to me having to confront students about not completing work or give reminders about classroom rules, it could hopefully be perceived less as «Here's another white guy claiming power over me as a person of color,» but more as «Here's someone who knows me and is trying to help me do what I need to do,» which obviously makes for a more productive interaction.
The Associate Curator is responsible for the supervision of the curatorial staff, interns, volunteers, and contract workers, as directed, and for the productive interaction of the Curatorial Staff with other departments vis a vis these projects.
Versed in building relationship of trust, respect and productive interactions.
If you take a moment to think about it, you can probably remember instances in which you've experienced or observed this kind of thing — being handicapped in all of these ways does not exactly make for healthy or productive interactions.
Emotional intelligence (EQ) plays a crucial role in setting the stage for personal well - being, productive interactions, effective leadership, and fruitful -LSB-...]
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