Sentences with phrase «productive members of society on»

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By ignoring the bad morality in the bibles, and focusing on the wise philosophy in the bibles, the vast majority of Christians are productive members of society.
@ tuition poor: I agree with that quote entirely... so why doesn't anyone start fixing the system and «teach them to fish» so that we can get these people back on their feet, become productive members of society, and off of welfare instead of just cutting the programs and denying the people that need it?
Man's way and his morals: let a woman without means go on welfare, have children, have boyfriends, not be a productive member of society, and in most cases have the sloth lead to an immoral lifestyle.
Oh, and from a totally nonreligious standpoint, helping our citizenry get a strong education and stay healthy so they can continue to be productive members of society instead of winding up on disability or on unemployment due to limited job skills happens to make economic sense as well.
When I lost my executive speechwriting job in late 2009, there was immense pressure I put on myself and felt from friends and family to find a job and become a valid, productive member of society again — as if my worth depended on a salary and title.
In practice the people who severely limit the number of children they have tend to be the more successful, productive members of society, the kind of people who understand the consequences of unrestricted population growth and so on.
I'm also trying to be a more productive member of society so I've embarked on a number of projects with my advisor and my senior residents so that I can pursue both community medicine and sports medicine (more or less)!
MILLIONS of parents whose faith placed them in the position of not just asking, but demanding under pain of grounding or even corporal punishment, that their grade school children abstain from what others are enjoying, have still raised well adjusted kids who've gone on to be productive, contributing members of society.
Game Changers is a web series developed by the National Alliance for Youth Sports in which well - known and respected professional and collegiate coaches and current and former athletes sit down to share incredible insight on their lives; discuss the influential coaches and parents who impacted them growing up; and reveal how those experiences not only led to their success in sports but enabled them to become respected and productive members of society.
How do they compare to costs to society of prohibition of a particular substance, in terms of law enforcement, and opportunity costs from loss of otherwise productive members of society to our criminal justice system, either through incarceration or effects of having a conviction on their record?
According to Cowal, HIV and AIDS was taking its toll on the most productive members of society and, as a result, HIV and AIDS became much more than just a health issue; for many countries HIV and AIDS caused their economies to suffer.
Yet if we make our athletes better all around people, then they will not only win, but they will also move on to be more productive members of society.
Just because Overwatch's resident turret - banger is getting toned down on consoles doesn't mean Torbjorn can't still be a productive member of society.
«I would help schools implement programs that focus on the whole child and create productive members of society, by addressing components of education that can not be measured on standardized tests,» said Cossondra George.
A modern accountability system would use today's technologies to provide rapid feedback about whether students are on track for meaningful work and to become productive members of American society.
They focus on helping these students graduate from high school as successful and productive members of society.
We need to replace one - dimensional education strategies with a comprehensive approach that supports our children's development so that they go on to be productive and creative members of our society.
Our society abandons the neglected and abused, and when they crawl out of their hole on their own they are preyed upon with no support to become productive members of society.
I like this particular area of law because as a culture, it says we believe in forgiveness and that we would rather get you back on your feet and become a productive member of society again.
Option 2 results in the very real possibility of those third worlders becoming productive members of the world society, having done so on renewables rather than fossils.
In these situations, the Crown will be less inclined to agree to bail variations and may only do so where otherwise specified in family law proceedings or where the conditions imposed on the accused are so onerous as to prevent the accused from being a productive member of society (i.e. a curfew that restricts ability to work or go to school).
Here are three common reasons those looking for a job can't seem to get hired... and how to remedy those issues so you can go on to become a productive member of society who can buy as many shoes as she pleases (within her budget, that is).
While not all youngsters with conduct disorder symptoms go on to become antisocial or criminal adults, ongoing adequate medical, emotional, educational and social supports are required for many years if teenagers with severely disturbed behavior are to go on to live meaningful lives and to become productive members of society.
United States About Blog This blog provides a continuum of educational strategies, based on informed decisions and to prepare all students with a core foundation so that together we are productive members in a global society.
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