Sentences with phrase «productive use of your time»

Ask yourself, «What can I do for the next hour that will be the most productive use of my time
A superintendent or chief academic officer can read a Q&A with Kathy Boudett and Liz City on their new book, Meeting Wise, which helps educators make the most productive use of the time they spend in meetings.
I just didn't see it as a productive use of my time.
Instead of attending every event and passing out business cards like candy, consider narrowing your focus for a more productive use of your time.
It's probably a more productive use of our time.
Obedience Training - Formal training for you and your dog is recommended if you want to make the most productive use of your time and you want to be sure to get your puppy or new dog off on the right paw.
Obedience Training — Formal training for you and your dog is recommended if you want to make the most productive use of your time and you want to be sure to get your puppy or new dog off on the right paw.
They are not, however, the breed for those who only give a pat and promise because they will invent their own activities which may or may not be a productive use of their time by human standards.
Whipping Latimer isn't a productive use of your time, and belittling nonbelievers gets nowhere.
At the same time, sitting at your computer staring at your inbox is not a productive use of your time.
A more productive use of time would be to apply for literally any other job available.
Or, how to make conference attendance an effective and productive use of your time, energy and resources
Worrying about the sky falling, in vogue for decades now, is probably not a productive use of my time.
Taking time to plan for a meeting and thinking about goals in advance doesn't always feel productive, but when I don't, my meetings feel haphazard and disorganized — nobody's idea of a productive use of time.
I can easily fill any schedule holes with productive use of my time.
He's found that eProject allows him to make more productive use of his time.
A notebook computer makes it easy to make productive use of time spent away from your desk.
They Don't Watch Much TV The wealthy make productive use of time, as Corley relates on his «Rich Habits» website.
Real state practitioners who master these tools lead the pack in productive use of time and resources.
If someone is rehabbing a house for 9 months to make 10,000 that is not a very productive use of time.
Keep a few Pop - By items in the trunk of your car so that you can make the most productive use of your time in the car.

Not exact matches

At the same time, you won't be targeting or segmenting your audience appropriately, which defeats the purpose of using some of these tools to save time, remain productive and reach your marketing goals.
She points out the discrepancies between the amount of time people claim to spend on work during a week, for example, and the number of hours that studies using time diaries actually show we spend making productive contributions to our jobs.
Wasted time in meetings, Rogelberg and colleagues wrote, costs companies in many ways: the direct costs of salaries and benefits associated with participants» time, the time lost that could be used for more productive activities, employee stress and fatigue, and job dissatisfaction and less organizational commitment.
You'd think that corporate debt would grow in proportion to total sales, as this additional debt is used to fund investments in productive activities that create more sales and contribute to the economy, and that higher sales, and presumably higher earnings would create a proportionate increase in the value of the company, and thus in its stock price, and that they all go up together, not in lockstep but over time more or less at the same rate.
Sifting through irrelevant and unexciting content is not a productive use of an employee's time.
The mentally healthy person is the productive and unalienated person; the person who relates himself to the world lovingly, and who uses his reason to grasp reality objectively; who experiences himself as a unique individual entity, and at the same time feels one with his fellowman; who is not subject to irrational authority, and who accepts willingly the rational authority of conscience and reason; who is in the process of being born as long as he is alive, and considers the gift of life the most precious chance he has.
Any time there's an excessive use of the word «should» floating around, it's nice to focus on what the most loving and productive way forward would be for others and yourself.
Give fans the likes of Iwobi as the starting players for a season and people will find more productive uses for their money and time.
I double dare you but in all honesty I think you would have a more productive time if you tried to make a model of the universe using only spaghetti hoops.
It's about teaching students to be positive and productive, teaching them to prioritize and make effective use of their time, and teaching them to be reflective and self - aware.
We have variations of our «Best Thing of the Day» game that we pull out to make productive use of otherwise empty times.
I did not use that time to get work done as it actually took longer that way to get a good amount of milk and made me less productive in my job.
Sen. Jim Tedisco, who represents Schenectady and surrounding areas, said staying in Albany after June 21 would not be a productive use of lawmakers» time.
In productive meditation you use stretches of time when you're physically occupied but not engaged mentally (e.g. jogging or commuting) to focus on solving a specific work - related problem which requires deep thinking.
«In the highly productive regions of China, they are putting on often two or three times more fertilizer that a Midwestern American or European farmer would use.
In various chapters, she provides recommendations for the effective use of unexpected free time, advice on how to fire someone, and hints on maintaining a productive laboratory culture.
Once you have a more productive method in place and start using it a few times, the bad habit of turning to food will be broken.
Bottom line for optimal hypertrophy training: While occasional (every 4th month or so) use of heavy loads is definitely productive, most of your time should be spent in the 60 - 80 % 1RM range.
I did enjoy the rest of the photos though You had such a productive time at the beach, I look forward to seeing how you use all the shells you collected!
If we consider the skills of focusing on ourselves, tuning in to others, and understanding the larger world as a framework for our thinking, imagine how the conversation about screen time could shift away from the amount of time spent with devices and toward how students might use them to become more productive citizens in a networked and global society.
By using this audio script format, you can easily get fast and productive costs ahead of time from your voice over talent.
An easy - to - use platform gives your new starters the information they need easily and quickly, meaning they'll be productive in less time and more likely to engage with the platform again because of a good first experience.
Making «productive» use of teachers, time, and money is nothing more than ensuring that schools are promoting great teaching and learning to the best of their ability.
To be productive and to be valuable uses of time, PLCs must be teacher - driven and focused on resolving student - learning concerns through teacher capacity (for example, what do I as a teacher need to learn to help students learn better?)
Barron and Darling - Hammond describe evidence - based approaches to support inquiry - based teaching in the classroom: (1) clear goals and guiding activities; (2) a variety of resources (e.g., museums, libraries, Internet, videos, lectures) and time for students to share, reflect, and apply resources, while debating over information discrepancies; (3) participation structures and classroom norms that increase the use of evidence and a culture of collaboration (i.e., framing debates as productive conflicts, using public performances); (4) formative assessments that provide opportunities for revision; and (5) summative assessments that are multidimensional and representative of professional practice.
Truth be told, however, we just don't know whether this is a productive use of teachers» time.
You might be putting your heart and soul into a product for people who actually wish training would disappear from their to - do list, and think that training is a useless waste of their time, time that they can use for other, more productive activities (like for example meeting this month's target).
In this volume, use the principles of connectedness and flipped learning to engage stakeholders digitally on their time so they're ready for productive discussion when you meet in person.
What used to be considered «the engine of social mobility» (see Fareed Zakaria in the new Time magazine), the incubator of productive and successful citizens (and parents), the school is now treated as some kind of barometer of caste and class.
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