Sentences with phrase «productivity costs»

What's more, by 2030, yearly direct medical costs for these diseases are projected to rise to more than $ 800 billion, and lost productivity costs could exceed $ 275 billion.
The risks can involve productivity costs, financial costs, employee morale costs and reputation costs.
This lost productivity costs the economy about $ 35 billion every year.
In the U.S. alone, disengagement at work and the resulting loss of productivity cost the country more than $ 350 billion a year.
According to the Migraine Research Foundation, healthcare and lost productivity costs associated with migraine are estimated to be as high as $ 36 billion annually in the US alone (1).
«We accelerated organic sales growth and delivered strong productivity cost savings and cash flow,» said David Taylor, P&G's chairman and CEO.
Both HAP and CAP were likely to be cost - effective, and could even save money if productivity costs were taken into account.
Employee productivity costs (short term) when production line workers leave the production line in order to attend either class room or offsite training.
Obesity presents not only a medical cost to society, but a productivity cost to a business organization.
Yet raising the price of alcohol is more likely to benefit the economy than harm it, by reducing the productivity costs associated with workers» harmful alcohol consumption.
The factual results of the GEA are of economic chaos, massive job losses, environmental degradation of the highest order, a decay of our treasured environmental protections in law, and yet uncounted human health and productivity costs.
And no mention of the productivity cost gains you lose when you turn around and pay someone else to transcribe your dulcet tones.
That type of hiring mistake leaves them with thousands in hiring and productivity costs.
Studies have found that the total health and productivity cost of worker stress to American business could be as high as $ 150 billion a year.
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