Sentences with phrase «products someone consume»

Similarly, take the same precautions with food and dairy products consumed by children.
Many patrons won't notice the change even with products they consume daily.
Maybe together we can come up with something that will work for you as we all try to reduce the amount of disposable products we consume.
The above mentioned independent organizations have provided rigorous studies and tests to provide consumers with accurate and scientifically - backed information on the nutrition products they consume.
To maximize the health benefits from the cocoa - based products you consume, look for those that contain at least 70 percent cocoa solids.
They're goal is to take down the CEOs of big companies producing harmful products consumed by the general public.
Too many women in the world we live today are affected by a far reaching lack of progesterone to counterbalance the alarming estrogen levels caused by the very environment we live in, the household and personal care products we consume on a daily basis.
Today, when I advise my patients to try and substitute some of the rice or wheat - containing products they consume with sweet potato they're like «But that's fattening and unhealthy!»
Although I've drastically reduced the amount of meat and animal products I consume over the past decade or so, I've never truly considered becoming a vegan on a long - term basis.
Cocoa, much like coffee, is an export product consumed almost entirely in developed nations such as the United States.
Patrons often don't notice the change, even with products they consume daily.
For Intuitive Surgical it meant big upfront revenues on the sale of the equipment and even more continuous income from sale of disposable products consumed during the surgery.
The frozen vegan products she consumes could be ready to go frozen meals, which include vegetables, but it looks like she is not consuming a variety of foods to get the nutrients she needs.
Concern created by recent food scares, means consumers are demanding total transparency around all the food and beverage products they consume, so Food Trust must be at the heart of everything we do.
Hungarians already spend 17 percent of their income on food, and they pay an extra 25 percent tax on most of the food and drink products they consume — one of the highest rates within the EU.
An endless list of studies have proved the harmful effects of trans fats on our health and their lack of nutritional value and yet they are still found in large quantities in all processed products we consume on a daily basis.
Some customers have reported having faced gastrointestinal issues after consuming this product
Dr. Davis states: «The more wheat products you consume, the higher and more frequently blood glucose increases, the more glycation occurs.
Her intention was to create a perfectly balanced natural solution to replace the misleading, overused products we consume en masse!
Vitamin C can be found in a variety of food products you consume regularly, including citrus fruits, strawberries, berries, kiwis and red peppers.
If you stay in motion, traveling from one event to the next on foot can help you work off calories, and the anti-oxidants packed into the dark chocolate products you consume will boost your immune system and keep you healthy.
And just below Ms. Knowles's photographs, a major installation by an underrated elder statesman of Fluxus, George Maciunas, incorporates emptied lemonade cans, sugar boxes and other containers: the remains of food and household products consumed by the artist over a period of one year.
The raw resource extraction, manufacturing, transportation, construction, usage, and end - of - life stages of building products consume significant amounts of energy, and each generate associated GHG emissions.
The majority of the dairy products consumed in Denmark are organic, and trans fats have been banned here since 2004 (legislation I spearheaded!).
In 2009, for example, researchers delved deeply into the diet / acne connection, and reported that the majority of milk and dairy products consumed in the United States comes from pregnant cows.
Hi, I am trying to find information or resources for whole food, plant based eaters that have been diagnosed with SIBO / intestinal permeability (likely is a form of damage done from prior animal products consumed and SAD diet habits before going plant - based?).
And much of the emissions are generated from making products consumed by the West.
«Increasingly, consumers want to know the origin and backstories of the products they consume,» Applbaum told Fortune.
«Increasingly, consumers want to know the origin and backstories of the products they consume,» Applbaum says.
They imported many of the products they consumed and the tools they used, from T - shirts to tractors.
More than two - thirds of farm products go into livestock feed, and much of the rest must be transformed through manufacturing into the products we consume.
«Customers continue to seek improvements to food safety in the products they consume,» Deraas says.
«Americans eat and drink about one - third of their calories away from home and people today expect clear information about the products they consume,» FDA Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D. said in a press release.
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