Sentences with phrase «profession as their profession»

The RN profession is highly competitive with more and more college students opting for this profession as their profession of choice.
It is all the more crucial for talented and qualified salespeople to maintain their profession as a profession.

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As a result, most of today's sought - after professions didn't exist just a decade ago!
Imagine if «sandwich artist» became a synonym for deceitfulness, just as once honorable professions like snake oil salesman and ambulance chaser did in previous decades.
«[Planning] presents itself as a single profession, but it manifests itself in a whole variety of ways,» says Pask.
Ali belongs to a new generation of urban planners taping into the rising demand for the services of a profession whose fortunes are tied to surging property development markets as well as the growth in city - building activity across Canada.
It's a shame because selling, as a profession offers, a great deal of freedom and financial benefits.
As a freight broker, you'll need to understand the paperwork that comes with the profession.
Journalism needs to rediscover its roots as a blue - collar profession,» she asked.
Burnout was first identified in the 1970s in studies of overworked, overstressed «helping professions,» such as health workers and teachers, who found all their efforts never slowed the flow of pain and despair.
Tokyo and Munich, in particular, coincided with the graphic design profession's coming of age, Hulse notes, when some now - universally recognized visual shorthands came into being, such as the men's and women's symbols on bathroom doors.
Not only that, an analysis of Glassdoor feedback rates it as the best profession for work - life balance.
For me, «playing in my lane» means using my position as PwC's chairman and senior partner to drive conversations about race and diversity, to drive change and ask the hard questions within PwC and the profession in which we compete, and to have the discussion with other CEOs and corporate leaders.
If you're looking for a job that has you ensuring others are abiding by certain standards and regulations, then you might want to consider a profession as a health and occupation inspector.
It's the kind of thing you hear about a lot in professions like law, which used to be dominated by men but aren't as much anymore.
I have yet to see any evidence that labour market imperfections can be blamed for the bulk of rising wages, particularly for professions identified by the report such as «account manager» and «financial planner.»
All of that will have to take place under a different matrix than the norm for the profession as the investing world itself faces new challenges.
Historically, the White House beat was seen as a plum assignment for the best in the profession.
A first wave of reform last year was designed to liberalize trades and professions as diverse as taxi driving, the law, baking and pharmacy, long protected from competition.
As a profession, entrepreneurship breeds anything but balance.
As with any office profession, the ability to pick out a single document from an endless archive of files is invaluable in an industry rife with fierce competition.
The CFO profession has acknowledged its rising importance in the business world and is taking steps to address demands of the marketplace - as well as recruit new members to the ranks.
When it comes to trading stocks, both for your profession and as a hobby, it is important that you understand the process is about more than just making (or losing) money.
For this column, I've asked five people in my own profession whose work I admire and informs my own to share some things to think about as you continue having conversations about race.
Young women are simply losing interest in these fields as an area of study and a profession as they progress from middle school to high school to college.
«This globetrotting novel follows the life of an awkward female «natural philosopher» born in 1800, providing a window into the development of science as a profession in the 19th century and dealing with the slings, arrows, and random events that mark all our lives.
When I started as an accountant, in 1980, roughly, there was less than 10 % of women in the profession.
«Good programmers write as few lines of code as possible, and it is one of those professions which pays well, while at the same time, encouraging laziness, he says.
By going to events for closely related professions, or simply connecting through social media channels such as Twitter or LinkedIn where you can virtually engage in conversations with anyone, you put yourself in a position for growth.
While one standardized code of ethics (such as the Hippocratic Oath in the medical profession) could be a solution for the software industry, it is also important to teach delivery teams how to ask the right questions when considering the ramifications for emerging innovations.
Thiel had then passively boarded a conveyor belt that would carry him from college to Stanford Law School, and thence to a position as a young transactional lawyer at New York's Sullivan & Cromwell, a position near the pinnacle of that profession.
Ivy adds, «We did issue statements following both election victories for President Obama, as we have after State of the Union addresses and other situations we felt warranted our voice on how certain issues that the federal government is pursuing would affect the architecture profession
Realtors aren't the first profession to watch in horror as the Internet fundamentally changes their business.
However, it seems as if the app will incorporate more data points — users» professions, companies, colleges etc. — to make matches.
Life as the owner of a web design company, like with any profession, can get very complicated.
To date realtors have resisted this change through their status as a self - governing profession and their control of the MLS.
Aspiring speakers are entering the field earlier than ever, no longer treating the profession as a third or fourth act after years spent amassing expertise and life experiences.
Curtin University will use International Women's Day, tomorrow March 8, to promote engineering as profession of choice for women.
If you fancy working in the dental health profession but can't see yourself enduring or affording all those years of dental school, starting a career as a dental hygienist might be a good option with a good income and a positive employment outlook.
Non-Jewish doctors cite these figures as proof of the danger of Jewish aggressiveness and commercialism in the profession while Jewish doctors cite them as proof of discrimination, arguing that if there are a disproportionate number of Jews in medical schools the reason may be that Jews are brighter than non-Jews.
The anti-Semitic contention as to the professions is that the Jews have crowded out the rest of the population and are monopolizing all opportunities.
One such study focusing on the legal profession found an appearance - based difference in pay of as much as 14 %.
Even as President Donald Trump repeals environmental «job - killing» regulations and promises to double down on fossil fuels, jobs in sustainability - related fields rank near the top of the list for fastest - growing professions in the United States.
Also encompasses many high - tech professions such as software development or R&D.
A few even count solving as a full - time profession.
As dress codes across America continue to loosen, sneakers have become the default footwear for workers in many professions.
Likewise, they may reward for charitable work or adjust income distributions higher if their heir opts for a lower - paying but meaningful profession, such as teaching or social work.
Still, others go into medicine because it offers financial stability and a secure future as a profession.
The legal profession can easily cease being useful to its clients whenever it no longer tempers guidance on the law with reality, particularly business reality, as well as the human desires of clients.
Of course there are bad eggs, just as there are in every profession, but the advisor who truly cares for his clients and is there in both up and down markets is the most noble creature working on Wall Street, and in many cases, the steadiest earner.
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