Sentences with phrase «professional climate scientists»

Give up the notion that you're smarter than the thousands of professional climate scientists.
At the opposite end were respected professional climate scientists at the top of their fields, such as Richard Peltier and Gerald North.
An example of an own goal from the sceptic side was this article by Tim Ball in which he talked about «the Big Lie», which angered Professor Richard Betts, one of the few professional climate scientists who will talk to us, who responded with this.
It is something professional climate scientists should have done years ago without the prodding of Anthony Watts.
But the slings and arrows I get here are nothing, nothing, compared to what professional climate scientist Michael Mann gets.
Although apparently highly technical, the piece has been strongly criticised by professional climate scientists, including Gavin Schmidt, of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York.
However, applying some common - sense criteria can give a layperson a clear indication of the lack of credibility: the source is a «climate skeptics» website, there is no research institution and no professional climate scientists behind these claims, and there is no peer - reviewed publication with the cooling forecast, rather it is directed exclusively at a lay audience.
I am an amateur rather than a professional climate scientist.
Clearly Gavin knows a lot about temperature measurements, as well as a lot about the physics which causes temperature to change (he is, after all, a professional climate scientist).
I don't believe for one second that a professional climate scientist and professor could possibly be unaware of the uncertainties!
I believe that your model with a mostly 25 - year response time may win a lot of admirers in the sceptic blogosphere, but you would have a hard time gaining acceptance from most of the professional climate scientists for the reasons detailed by Isaac Held as I paraphrased above to the best of my understanding.
The sloppiness and carelessness at some of the sites recently photographed suggests poor quality control oversight by professional climate scientists.
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