Sentences with phrase «professional development component»

According to Berger, «The visit is an essential professional development component of any AAAS Fellow coming to work at DOE.»
This article in Learning Forward's «The Learning Professional» is about how AppleTree Institute's professional development component of its instructional model Every Child Ready helps instructional leaders close the achievement gap for preschool and pre-kindergarten students.
A professional development component called Edivate, previously called PD 360, is not frequently used.
The August 2017 issue of Learning Forward's «The Learning Professional» includes this article written by AppleTree Institute's Natasha Parrilla and Kelly Trygstad about how AppleTree's professional development component of its instructional model Every Child Ready helps instructional leaders close the achievement gap for preschool and pre-kindergarten students.
The tools in Tools for Thoughtful Assessment have been used by schools and districts to support the professional development component of popular teacher evaluation models, including Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Teaching, Robert Marzano's Teacher Evaluation Model, and The Thoughtful Classroom Teacher Effectiveness Framework.
The Department of Education will create the professional development component to be introduced during the 2018 - 2019 school year.
The measure also creates a professional development component to be used as another qualitative tool in the evaluation process.
The professional development component culminated in the summer of 1996 with a workshop on standards - based, district - level systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
Implementation of the JGCP Model was measured by indicators of the partnership, collaboration, consultation, and professional development components that make up the model.
The professional development component includes building into the schedule 60 to 90 minutes a week for teachers to collaborate, talk about instruction, and target student needs.
She also led a workshop during the professional development component of the Annual Meeting, «Pro se nation?
A professional development component aimed at enhancing school based understanding and management of children at most risk of developing conduct disorder.
The professional development component group promotes integration of professional development systems, advises the early learning standards and QRIS, and promotes infrastructure that supports quality professional development.
The event, which aimed to feature the greatest collection of real estate speakers ever in Canada, included 44 sessions through its professional development component, Learning Quest.
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