Sentences with phrase «professional development issues»

I enjoy teaching students and colleagues how to use Twitter for searches; I giggle when I show students the power of «hashtags» in learning ~ contests ~ and crowd sourcing; and ~ I applaud faculty conversations on professional development issues as they ask each otherand experts questions about pedagogical interests.
The process included telephone focus groups with Center Directors to identify key professional development issues; a written survey addressing five categories of training: administrative, business and financial, professionalism, specific skills, and taking care of yourself; and a 1 1/2 day Center Director's Symposium to a) review survey results; b) create a common vision; c) make recommendations based on the survey data; and d) participate in professional development.
We are seeing that KM is increasingly becoming a Human Resources and Professional Development issue.
Ms. Morris ponders, however, whether patience is really a virtue in the practice of law in her article in the May, 2013 issue of ABA Law Practice Today, the monthly webzine of the ABA Law Practice Management Section, in its professional development issue.
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