Sentences with phrase «professional gambler who»

The seller Tuesday was David Walsh, an Australian collector and professional gambler who is expanding his Museum of Old and New Art in Hobart, Tasmania.
Kailey is a professional gambler who not only lost custody of her son when she got divorced, but also lost the right to even see him.
A 54 - year - old professional gambler who likes new Cadillacs and high - stakes golf, Hamilton enjoys the betting more than he does the playing, saying he recently turned down an opportunity to tee it up at Augusta National because his would - be host doesn't believe in playing for money.
On the other hand, «The Sharps» (Professional gamblers who push lines up and down along with the public) are high on the Bills.

Not exact matches

«In a noisy club in Las Vegas, a professional gambler pulled a sawed - off shotgun out of his jacket, racked it, and looked around to see who recognized the ratcheting sound and turned their heads.
NEW PLAN The bill clarifies that people (including many professional gamblers) who also deduct wagering expenses, such as the cost of travel to and from a casino, must add those expenses to their total losses before comparing that sum to their total taxable winnings for the purpose of making the overall deduction calculation.
You can never have a «professional» gambler who doesn't lose money.
The so - called risk takers — the entrepreneurs, the wealthy middle - aged professionals who try to climb Mount Everest, the artists who pose against the background of transgression — are nothing more than gamblers looking for a big payoff.
There is no way to gauge the number of gamblers in the Desperation Phase who have attempted suicide and not sought professional help.
In this buddy dramedy - cum - road movie, he's a middle - aged gambler who finds a soul mate in Ryan Reynolds — the latter of whom may be starting his official Ryanaissance period thanks to his stellar portrayal of a professional smooth talker.
A day or two in Vegas and she meets professional gambler Dink (Willis) who immediately gives her a job working for him.
The rules described on this page are for the majority of people with gambling income, those who are not professional gamblers.
In the game, you play as a professional gambler, and Adam West is «Hugh Swain,» who is basically Batman.
He became a gambler and a professional criminal who rose within the ranks of a notorious and feared organization called Maggia.
She then married a man who made a fortune as a professional gambler, and he was helping to fund the $ 100,000 buyback, which was held in a converted room off a carwash that was painted purple and called The Embassy.
This course is recommended for health care professionals, especially addiction counselors, psychologists, mental health counselors, social workers, and nurses who seek knowledge about treating compulsive gamblers.
This course is recommended for health care professionals, especially addiction counselors, psychologists, mental health counselors, social workers, and nurses who seek knowledge about recovery in Gamblers Anonymous.
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