Sentences with phrase «professional play»

The need for more professional Play Therapy practitioners is huge indeed.
What role can early childhood professionals play in supporting children and families to use technology in positive and purposeful ways?
By keeping pets healthy, veterinarians, veterinary technicians and other pet health professionals play an integral role in human health.
The quality of the child care setting and, perhaps more important, the relationships between children and early childhood professionals play crucial roles in language and literacy development.
The retirement of a player after a single season of professional play is nothing new.
Buyers and sellers also share information on the role that real estate professionals play in home sales transactions.
What roles do professionals play with fathers of disabled children?
Emergency services professionals play a vital role in protecting people and property in a wide variety of settings.
Administrative professionals play an integral role in the efficient delivery of healthcare services.
We are highlighting the varied roles legal professionals play in protecting and advocating for their clients and companies, allowing them to plan for future growth and security.
That wasn't the extent of it, however; he decided to retire from professional play completely.
A child's primary health care professional plays a critical role in identifying for caregivers and children the psychological and biological signs and symptoms of child traumatic stress.
Veterinary professionals play essential leadership roles in the intentional development of a practice culture that determines the success of the venture.
I don't know the facts but do we have the most qualified ex professional playing staff today compared to all other clubs in the world.
However, regulatory affairs professionals play a pivotal role in facilitating the progression of new health products and technology through the product life cycle (see figure).
From graphic designer to marketing expert, eLearning professionals play plenty of roles during the course of their career.
In times of fierce competition and extensive reliance on technology, a media professional plays a key role in ensuring demand and recognition for the organization.
Security professional plays a vital role in protecting people and property.
The medical management professionals play an important role in the administration of these clinics and healthcare centers.
A digital marketing professional plays a vital role in promoting and increasing the sale of the offered good, products and services.
Medical office professionals play a key role in running an efficient, productive medical office by performing tasks such as bookkeeping and preparing medical charts.
I am not lonely anymore; I am comfortable being an allied professional playing a critical role supporting the early childhood education profession.
Experienced family professionals play a key role in this alternative to a traditional divorce.
We encourage and assist the establishment of autonomous professional play therapy organisations in every country and support their activities by providing a range of services including financial assistance.
Public health professionals play a critical role in monitoring a population's health, controlling disease, and fostering policies to improve and promote health and health services.
Real estate professionals play a valuable role in keeping your home - purchase on track, starting with selecting and touring properties and continuing through negotiations, inspections, financing and closing.
As a result, early childhood professionals play a critical role in influencing the positive development of very young children.
The Blues skipper will certainly have no complaints in dedicating, so far, his entire professional playing career to the West London outfit — becoming a legend at the club, and their current third all - time appearance holder.
Health and community professionals play a key role in EChO centres.
In addition to being an experienced play therapist and teacher, Ms. Mellenthin frequently presents professional play therapy and family therapy trainings and appears on local and national TV and radio as an expert on children and family issues.
When Collaborative Divorce attorneys over-function, it typically shows up as the lawyers» inability or unwillingness to meaningfully «share power» with the two neutrals and fully respect the role those other professionals play in the divorce process.
Hays ERP expert recruiters understand the importance of ERP implementation projects and the role that IT professionals play within them in regards to cost - management and the efficient organisation of resources.
Many of those managing executive careers are aware of the importance of a professional resume, networking, job search strategies, a strong social media presence, personal branding, career coaching and and the role that certified career professionals play within the career industry.
School professionals play a vital role in helping children develop, act as role models and give them the confidence to lead their own lives.
Hope that the media can do what the law has not — that is, effect positive change by shining a bright light on power abuses that perpetuate an unequal professional playing field.
Either way, the Redskins clearly have one of the best talents to come into the NFL in the 2000s and a player that is literally changing the way that professionals play football.
Ignacio had written a paper, entitled «Professionals play Minimax ``, examining the ways penalties were taken and used his research to create a report for Grant.
School nutrition professionals play a critically important role in managing food allergies in school.
Jon Preshaw, Chairman of the CIOT's Management of Taxes Sub-Committee, said: «The CIOT supports targeted measures to stamp out tax evasion and believes that tax professionals play an important part in assisting people to comply with their tax obligations.
Youtube is a great added resource for showing professionals play and master different skills or for teaching yourself if you are low on confidence.
This 11 «x17» poster illustrates the vital role laboratory animal science professionals play in providing compassionate care for animals.
Cards: 65 (7 Types of Action Cards, 40 Characters Cards) Players: 2 - 6 (additional action cards provided for 5 ~ 6 player games) Cards Finished Size: 2.5» wide x 3.5» high Printed Material: Heavyweight Professional Playing Card Stock
It'll take rigorous professional play to fully assess Ultra's total character rebalance, but so far, so good.
The game offers the most competitive online Multiplayer out there, including professionals playing on the eSports circuit.
By the time you reach each character's final trial you'll glance up at the command prompt and see more arrows coming at you than a Dance Dance Revolution professional playing doubles.
Legal and other professionals play vital roles in supporting Britain's economic, political and social structures.
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