Sentences with phrase «proficient in language»

If you are proficient in that language, be sure to mention that fact in your resume.
Make sure that your guides will be proficient in the language you require.
Other hosts speak more languages than a polyglot, and are happy to accept WWOOFers who are proficient in the language they are learning at the moment.
Once the dog is proficient in the language of the collar, all kinds of new levels of proficiency are attained.
The experts are experienced and have more proficient in the language more than you will do.
Statistics have shown that a child needs three years to become proficient in a language, yet we test them shortly after immigrating to this country.
On state standardized tests 48 % of students were proficient in language arts and 67 % were proficient in math.
Last school year, 84 percent of Utah students tested proficient in language arts, up from 82 percent the year before; 69 percent tested proficient in math, the same as in 2011; and 72 percent scored proficient in science, up from 70 percent, according to the State Office of Education.
Higher percentages of Utah students are testing proficient in language arts and science, according to results of Criterion Referenced Tests (CRTs), given to Utah students in grades 3 - 11 last spring.
In 2013, the percentage of students scoring proficient in language arts lagged behind the rest of the state anywhere from 11 to 19 points, depending on the grade being tested, while math proficiency lagged from 5 to 21 points behind.
The concentration area consists of language proficiency assessments to ensure that school psychologists are adequately proficient in another language to provide psychoeducational services.
A decade ago, just half of Elizabeth Avenue fourth graders were proficient in language arts, a quarter proficient in math.
In 2015, NAEP reported, 43 percent of New Jersey fourth graders tested proficient or advanced proficient in language arts.
In 2014, the last year that N.J. administered ASK, 67.2 percent of fourth graders scored proficient or advanced proficient in language arts and 74.9 percent scored proficient or advanced proficient in math.
Nowadays, being proficient in another language, improves your career prospects, especially if you are interested in working in an international firm.
I'm a graduating senior working on a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and a minor in French; I spent some time studying in the north of France and am fairly proficient in the language, as well as in Russian.
Now he is proficient in the language of his own culture and people.
Apart from the usual qualifications and qualities of a customer service representative, bilingual customer service representatives are required to be proficient in all languages that they speak.

Not exact matches

When businesses post jobs on the platform, Toptal identifies available developers proficient in the software languages necessary to handle the task at hand, then contacts the client to learn more about the job and the company as a whole before interviewing programmer candidates to make sure their skills and personalities are properly attuned.
For some 30 years, Thunderbird could boast the only international business program in the U.S. and the only one in which graduates had to be proficient in at least two languages.
Researchers found that young adults proficient in two languages performed better on attention tests and had better concentration than those who spoke only one language, irrespective of whether they had learned that second language during infancy, childhood or their teen years.
After working with her for 18 months, I was proficient enough in the language to do volunteer personal - finance counseling at a nonprofit for migrant workers.
He's also proficient in the following languages & techniques:
The fact that only about one third of students are proficient on state tests in math and language arts was «simply unacceptable,» the letter said.
Overall 57.3 percent of students rated a proficient in math, up from 54 percent last year, and 43.9 percent in English language arts, a 1.5 percentage point rise from last year.
Those scores reflect teacher evaluations from the 2013 - 14 school year, the same year that less than 4 in 10 students across the state showed proficient abilities in math and English language assessments.
Proficient in about 50 languages, Alexander Arguelles is among the most multilingual individuals of all time.
English learners are more likely to become proficient English speakers if they enter kindergarten with a strong initial grasp of academic language literacy, either in their primary language or in English, a new analysis from Oregon State University has found.
More than 1.5 billion people are proficient in English, outstripping any other language.
About one in five children in the United States speak a language other than English at home, and about half of them are not yet considered proficient in English.
«Children may hear very rich language use in Spanish and less rich use in English, for example, if their parents are more proficient in Spanish than in English,» said Hoff.
Sojourners who reside for years in a foreign country often become fluent in its language and may ultimately feel as proficient and as emotionally engaged in that language as in their native language.
The study examined how smoking behavior relates to age at migration, citizenship status and length of time in the U.S., how frequently they visit their home country and how proficient they are in their native language and in English.
Extrovert Chinese students learning English as a second language are likely to perform better in speaking and reading, but less proficient in listening than their introvert counterparts, according to a study published in Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (JSSH).
The intervention also appeared to narrow the achievement gap between English language learners and children proficient in English.
Over 1.5 billion people are proficient in English, outstripping any other language.
Strong candidates will be proficient in the Perl programming language; modern biology in general and bioinformatics in particular; show a demonstrated ability to quickly pick up new biology and computer science concepts; be comfortable using relational databases; and possess core Unix skills to do these tasks efficiently.
For example, as people grow older, they become more proficient in their native tongue but find it harder to learn a language they have never spoken before.
Thirty Cantonese - Mandarin - English trilinguals, who were highly proficient in Cantonese (L1) and Mandarin (L2), and moderate proficient in English (L3), performed picture naming tasks in a language - switching paradigm.
Recently, I have been looking at websites that offer the opportunity to become «pen - pals» with someone in a foreign country who wants to become more proficient in each other's language, and so I had this (crazy?)
Nashua, NH About Blog We develop innovative technology and methods to enable faster and more reliable language learning outcomes for professionals in organizations with critical language requirements, for students and teachers in academic environments, and for anyone else intent on becoming more proficient in Spanish language.
Born without memory of his past life (the title is the film's first puzzle, as it is really not so much a search for «Bourne's» identity as it is an examination of an identity at birth), Bourne finds himself oddly proficient in self - defence, preternaturally aware of his surroundings, and possessed of a Swiss bank account number (via the laser projector) leading to a safety deposit box full of enough passports and foreign currency to match his ability to speak several languages.
Then we watched selective campuses do away with some of their own long - standing prerequisites, such as the expectation that entering students would have studied and become reasonably proficient in at least one foreign language.
In 2015, 58 percent of 11th - grade students in Summit's district, Sequoia Union, scored proficient or above on the Smarter Balanced Assessment for English language artIn 2015, 58 percent of 11th - grade students in Summit's district, Sequoia Union, scored proficient or above on the Smarter Balanced Assessment for English language artin Summit's district, Sequoia Union, scored proficient or above on the Smarter Balanced Assessment for English language arts.
Powell keeps an ANet data wall in its front lobby and records how many youngsters in each class score proficient or advanced in math and in language arts for each ANet assessment cycle.
Nearly one - fifth of the schoolchildren in Massachusetts are considered Limited English Proficient (LEP), and they speak almost seventy different languages.
Based on preliminary results from the spring 2000 state test, 88 percent of the school's first 8th grade class scored proficient or above in language arts (compared with 47 percent citywide), and 66 percent scored proficient or above in math (versus 21 percent citywide).
The state wants 70 percent of all students and all student subgroups to be proficient by 2024 - 25, in both English / language arts and math.
Cut in half the share of all students and subgroups not proficient on English / language arts and math exams by 2030; cut in half the share of high school students not graduating after four years
To gauge public views on this issue, we asked people whether immigrant children «who are not proficient in speaking English should initially be placed in English - speaking classrooms» or «initially be placed in classrooms taught in their primary language
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