Sentences with phrase «profiling methods»

"Profiling methods" refers to techniques used to create a characteristic profile or analysis of something or someone. It involves collecting and analyzing information to understand patterns, behaviors, or characteristics in order to gain insights or make predictions. Full definition
Particularly for additional molecular profiling methods (systems medicine).
The questionnaire is based on psychology profiling methods, and the site's algorithm can spot when the respondent has filled in answers at random.
This patented profile method matches you based on their patented 29 compatibility features.
University of Toronto Evaluation of nutrient profiling methods for nutrition regulation
Hybridization capture reveals microbial diversity missed using current profiling methods — Cyrielle Gasc — BMC Microbiology
«This new protein profiling method allows us to expand the universe of proteins that can be targeted by small molecules, which in turn should encourage the development of new drugs as well as probes for studying protein biology,» said senior investigator Benjamin F. Cravatt, a professor of chemical biology at TSRI.
An ideal microbiome profiling method would produce strain level taxonomic classification of organisms and their relative quantities.
The tasters evaluated the samples using a free - choice profiling method, which required them to describe the cake's appearance as well as its texture, aroma, and taste.
It has been successfully applied in many published studies [53]--[73], and it has been found competitive with the other high - throughput profiling methods that are in use [74]--[80].
The AG goes on addressing the specificity of PNR schemes, namely that it is their very nature to be based on profiling methods, by a comparison of the PNR data with scenarios or predetermined assessment criteria and that PNR data processing can lead to «false positive «targets» being identified» (para. 255).
The profiling methods used in this research to identify molecular changes may be a general approach for differentiating the molecular pathology of disease models resulting from agent - specific effects, such as the effects of the two neurotoxins used in this research.
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