Sentences with phrase «profound meaning»

I found profound meaning in their lessons, which we applied to our lives.
But «you are what you eat» can have a much more profound meaning than that.
Give a brand new profound meaning to your life!
By profound we mean that the information which you place in a cover letter must be relevant and useful to the hiring manager.
These couples share profound meaning together and a life of purpose.
Profound means something other than what you think it does.
«Ontario is the largest subnational debtor in the world,» Oliver proclaimed from the comment pages of the Financial Post at the end of December, as if that (unsupported) fact carried profound meaning.
It deal with the impact of our death upon God, and how God in turn impacts our death with profound meaning.
Each sacrament has its own profound meaning.
Christianity at its best is radiant because it sees profound meaning in life, worth living and, if need be, dying for.
Liberal secularist critics of «creationism» sometimes seem oblivious to the assault which they are making not upon a theological theory, but upon the sense of worth that evangelicals derive from profound meanings associated with the biblical story of creation.
So commentators began to find in the barren record profound meanings.
I borrow it with humility and praise for her ability to use words to convey such profound meaning.
Confirmation of this is given in the words of Jesus recorded in St John's Gospel chapter six, when he gives the most profound meaning of the Holy Eucharist.
This is great poetic drama full of profound meaning in cryptic symbolism, but not written as a chart or charter for our time.
The promise of Jesus is that in the loss of our personal security is found our true destiny, the most profound meaning of our existence.
Words like «mindful,» «sustainable,» and «deliberate» took on new and profound meanings for me.
Take back home an enlightened mind, a more profound meaning in life, an enhanced body, and a pacified soul.
«People find profound meaning in their day - to - day jobs, and I think that's an important thing for us to preserve.»
What you have to lose is the genuine and profound meaning in THIS life that you are distracted from by religion with its dishonest promises of eternity, with its abundance of gifts that you are said to receive only after you die, when it is far TOO LATE to validate the claims.
Human persons can a) grasp, and b) freely align themselves with, this profound meaning.
Nevertheless, the phrase «mutually give and accept each other» has a real and profound meaning that corresponds precisely to the nature of true spousal love.
One imagines behind that Scotchman's life such a home as Burns described in «The Cotter's Saturday Night,» where the profound meanings of religion and right living were bred into the very marrow of the children.
In respect to proclamation, there will be different ways of presenting and interpreting the originating event as being important — in the most profound meaning of that word — and focal in the God - human relationship.
A person's name is not so much a magic way of getting hold of him as it is the profound meaning of his being.
The profound meaning implied in the phrase «secret discipline» can be better understood in the light of The Cost of Discipleship.
William A. Johnson believes that the search for transcendence is prompted by the desire for a «deeper and more profound meaning of life and for a sensitizing and intensification of human experience» (The Search for Transcendence [Harper - Colophon, «974]» p. 1).
All deep communion between individuals has this quality of gathering up into itself the profound meaning of past events.
The testimonies of the absolute which rule the advance of self - consciousness give each time a new or more profound meaning to the divine.
Even if we think that refusing to engage in our imperfect politics is a meaningful stand, we must remember that our civic engagement has profound meaning.
Because the truth is, as the verse in Romans and others in Psalms tell us, gratuitous beauty and «useless» creativity does have profound meaning and purpose.
As ever, we will emphasise that our physical bodies have a profound meaning which is rooted in the flesh of Christ, which flesh is our «real food indeed».
5: 17); he does not want their death, but (as Rudolf Otto said) he wants no religion to die before its ultimate and most profound meaning has been told.
But if we strip away the mystical complexities of religious traditions and simply respect «spiritual» as implying something of profound meaning to humans, then the concept of consciousness fits the bill.
Mission statement: C'est Si Bon Company is to strive and pursue the profound meanings of «Quality of Life» and everyone's «Desire for Longevity» through the supply of natural wellness whole foods and the related services to health - conscious consumers in the U.S. and the rest of the world.
In sanskrit the word for health is «Swasthya» which has a profound meaning.
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