Sentences with phrase «profound thing»

The most profound thing in a man is the skin.
Perhaps the easiest way to reconcile this is to understand that Infinity War doesn't want to have multiple profound heroes, but rather have one profound thing happen to all of its heroes.
I thought that was a pretty profound thing for a painting to do that.
One of the most profound things that I've learned about history is the importance of the contingency.
«You don't want her to just be another Manic Pixie Dream Girl that just comes in and changes this guy's life and then edges away slowly, saying all these really profound things in her last moments of life.
There are places on board that ship where you know very profound things have happened, where loved ones have said their goodbyes.
Exhibit C (and the most profound thing of all): With the download of this one book, the reader gets to pick Cinderella's and the prince's ethnicities, a fact that makes me prouder of Light Publications than I have been of any other digital publisher in a long time.
-- Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching Tom Peters quoted from AA the most profound thing in that tomato post: Radical change takes a Minute.
Crazy people say so called profound things all the time.
HOW CAN THIS BE!!!!! What profound thing have you learned about God that allows you to say such a thing??? I feel so hopeless and helpless.
Experiencing that kind love, that kind of grace, that kind of freedom, is the most profound thing imaginable.
Pain is information — which I think is one of the most profound things anyone has ever said to me.
Perhaps the most profound thing Kelbaugh had to say was discussing the Nintendo way of developing games, which is not how the Western world approaches game development.
«Those really simple yet profound things really make a difference to students,» Lozada says.
(Buvoli likes to quote surface details in a way that unsettles profounder things.)
One of the more profound things I've learned, that I try to pass along to new leaders, be they managing partners or practice heads, is to «act like you are on stage at all times, because you are!»
Scientists» decision to impose a moratorium was «a very profound thing to do,» with «probably profound effects on their careers and funding.»
When you think about a radish or a lime, the amount of earth energy and people energy that went into producing it — it's a really profound thing
«And of course the most profound thing that has happened is that two children have lost their mother, a husband has lost a loving wife, and parliament has lost one of its most passionate and brilliant campaigners, someone who epitomised the fact that politics is about serving others.
It's such a small thing but I think it can be such a profound thing, like fasting itself.
This is a profound thing people need to realize.
So many fantastic, insightful, and profound things have been written already, a chorus of voices sharing all the best from the largest gathering of women bloggers, held this year in one of the most stunning cities I've ever visited.
He said «They also want to cover up the gargantuan exposé which has been done by no less a person than Paul Afoko himself which is in AfricaWatch today... what Paul Afoko put out in AfricaWatch is one of the most profound things to ever happen in Ghana politics.
Gaddis uses analogies from geology to explain history, and he's written the most profound thing I've ever seen written about the present, past, and future.
Add it to your routine: Yes, I know it sounds funny, but it is one of the most profound things you can try.
It was the most profound thing I have experienced and I couldn't believe it didn't require extensive discipline, dietary changes or a commitment of weekly visits for my whole life, as most other modalities recommended.
We're really lacking the most simple and most profound things: Connection with each other.»
So, that's the profound thing is that when you get a lot of people that are giving advice about diet.
It's such a profound thing.
Love is a profound thing that encompasses many aspects and it is time for mine to blossom.
The most profound thing the remarkably dread - filled drama Day Night Day Night tells us is what it doesn't tell us.
Then there is another profound thing that readers seem to find very interesting, which is the rest state.
I think for me again, the key mantra here is an understanding — and I think this is probably the most profound thing I've learned in life, let alone in teaching — that the only thing you can change is yourself.
It is a profound thing and I am blessed to have learned from the animal massage pioneers.
One of the most profound things that he asserts in this book is the fact that a well - behaved dog is a product of an early and effective training.
The most profound thing is that «mixed breed» dogs have the highest cancer rate according to statistics provided by Embrace Insurance company.
I found that exercise one of the most profound things that I learned.
«He's trying to understand some profound things, which in another time could have been described as magic — the internet and how it is a reflection of our imagination.»
That's a really profound thing to grapple with.
You can install plugins to do trivial things, like replace the word «millennials» with «snake people» — and profound things, like making the web readable by people with visual impairments.
In going through the branding process, perhaps the most profound thing I learned about myself is my need for collaboration and community.
Relationships are one of the most profound things that will ever happen to us in our lifetime.
She was less than convinced that this work would help her and yet she said the most profound thing to her beloved when Hedy asked the couple to appreciate one another for participating in the «Crossing the Bridge» exercise.
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