Sentences with phrase «profound ways»

The phrase "profound ways" refers to deep, significant or powerful impacts or effects on someone or something. Full definition
The most potent impacts may have transformed the planet in more profound ways.
It is perhaps the most profound way for human beings to reach across time and space for understanding.
Understanding our own and our children's sequencing patterns can change how we connect in very profound ways.
It contributed to my design thinking in a really profound way.
It's not a perfect movie, but I honestly think it's still too soon after the event to expect a work of art to capture it in a truly profound way.
It is the stark pattern of age segregation that has developed throughout society, and that affects children in particularly profound ways.
As the stories progress, we learn the two children are connected in a more profound way as well.
He has shown us in profound ways what art can do.
Seeking profound ways to live a richer, happier life?
And now you're getting into the animal's mind in a fairly profound way.
Though this «second» brain is not capable of thoughts, it has the ability to communicate with our actual brain in extremely profound ways.
Animals have the brain power to understand human language and use their own languages in surprisingly profound ways.
To teach with simplicity may be the most profound way.
Through experiential learning and awareness — and often times helping guys get out of their heads — they can tap into deeper information and understanding that can change them in very profound ways.
It handed down a series of blockbuster decisions affecting American life in profound ways.
These 10 questions will encourage thoughtful reflection and dialogue about a decision that will change your relationship in a truly profound way.
This kid has influenced me in profound ways as to how I can begin to look at humanity from a different level.
They live in an ocean that arguably is changing in such profound ways that thousands of generations of them have never seen anything like it.»
will hold that container for you in a deep, real and profound way because that's my personal mission too!
Sacramental and governing authority traditionally vested in the clergy needs to be shared in a more profound way with members who are more than simply clergy helpers.
«The ancient Romans had a tradition: Whenever one of their engineers constructed an arch, as the capstone was hoisted into place, the engineer assumed accountability for his work in the most profound way possible: He stood under the arch.»
«Reedy Hickey is one of those people who lives her beliefs and commitments in many profound ways.
I disagree with her in pretty profound ways, yet some of her points echo my assertion awhile back that greenhouse - driven climate change is «not the story of our time» but a symptom of much deeper issues.
The climate established at Gus Guerra Elementary School is that of respect, valuing backgrounds and strengths, and incorporating these daily in profound ways into the classroom.
In a more profound way Jesus is telling us to live our lives before God.
Video games offer the unique ability to explore cultures and mythologies in a more abstract and often profound way.
This strikes me as a fitting and profound way for Jesus to introduce the Holy Spirit as Paraclete — Comforter, Intercessor, Advocate — because it stands in the context of vast biblical testimony regarding the importance of defending orphans and widows.
His kingdom means that the plan of God for humankind is to be fulfilled in a radically profound way, here on earth.
The unity of the church in profound ways lies in the unity of ministry, an assertion that is before us with increasing urgency in the ecumenical movement.
One of the more profound ways lack of sleep promotes weight gain is by influencing the hormones that control hunger and satiety.
This is the fifth limb of the Sutras and can be understood as a deeply profound way of turning inward.
If you struggle with food, body image, digestive and weight issues (and I don't know anyone who doesn't), this course will help you to heal yourself and heal others in countless profound ways.
The movie is as thought - provoking, in a less profound way, than Tarkovsky's «Solaris,» another film about a sort of parallel Earth.
But the second run of episodes, which debuts on Sky Atlantic tonight, differs in profound ways also.
«Liz has influenced her fellow students» intellectual development in genuinely profound ways,» says Lecturer Vicki Jacobs, director of the Special Studies Program.
When the discussion turned to rebuilding the British House of Commons in 1943 (after its destruction on May 10, 1941) Winston Churchill in a simple but profound way stated, «We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us.»
Having been most recently bombarded with tons of complaints over fake news and data insecurity, Facebook rushed to lay out a number of features the other day that are aimed at informing users in a more profound way about the content they are reading.
Through a series of implicit memory triggers and the loving presence of both Hedy and my wife Leslie, I have come to understand in a most visceral and profound way how my own attachment history has been «silently voting» and impacting my clinical work with couples.
Dave's death changed me in very profound ways.
Hegel's dialectic has provided a much more profound way of viewing social change.
So these, like, Indonesian farmer schools: Now hundreds of thousands of people have trained each other how to grow rice, what we would call organically, but that's not the point there; it's sort of low input, so it's not expensive to grow [and] high yield; you know, the spread of velvet bean across parts of Latin America; people figuring out how to enrich soil in really profound ways; really quickly much more quickly than the text book says it should be possible.
Probably the most profound way in which Gadamer and Derrida have shaped hermeneutics is in how we think about texts.
At this significant time of commemoration and self - reflection in Ireland, these artists» practices engage in profound ways with different publics in exploring pressing social, political and environmental issues current in 21st century Ireland.
Michael Armstrong, author of several books on human capital and performance management, is quoted as saying, «The ancient Romans had a tradition: whenever one of their engineers constructed an arch, as the capstone was hoisted into place, the engineer assumed accountability for his work in the most profound way possible: he stood under the arch.»
Many people believe that in the social media age, email marketing is outdated, and so the list of email addresses for the people who supported you in your campaign doesn't really offer a particularly profound way of promoting yourself.
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