Sentences with phrase «profound work»

The so - called Age of Reason is not noted for profound works of intellectual analysis.
The result is one of his most profound works in five decades.
Through these mediums he has created profound works that deal with history, memory, culture, sport, politics, class, and race.
His work is, quite simply, some of the most innovative and emotionally profound work being done in contemporary painting.
Each hour long drama stands on its own as a fully conceived film, but taken together it's a beautiful, devastating, and profound work of art.
This is the most profound work, to clean up that dusty mirror that has been passed on from grandmother to mother and now to you.
As the largest psychiatry program in Canada, our faculty members and residents are doing profound work in the mental health field both in Canada and abroad.
Vine is a toy from Twitter that challenges users to make the most profound work ever committed to video in exactly six seconds.
Lamson is an exploratory artist who has an uncanny facility for creating profound works from small gestures.
«Our results revealed that at the root of cognitive issues in GWI patients are profound working memory deficits that correlate with a unique brain change visible in the fMRI scanner.
And of course, it's difficult to get too excited when profound works like Ramin Bahrani's «Goodbye Solo» won't make it within earshot of the conversation.
Laurie Simmons is a New York — based artist and filmmaker renowned since the mid-1970s for her psychologically and formally profound work.
When she found out how profound that work was for my development, she invited me to the opening of Carrie Mae Weems's show at MoMA, in October 1995.
Troubling, profound work owned by friend Freud will surely win new generations of fans as he prepares for Tate retrospective
In one of the more profound works, a video titled «Deformation» (1974), viewers witness Wilson as she deforms her «make - upped» self by rubbing black - and - white grease pencil all over her face and through her hair.
Tomornsak creates simple yet profound works that have a sense of playfulness and harmony, which is what makes his work so universal and easy to fall in love with!
Exceptional professional assistant with high tenacity and profound work ethic.
Mark Rothko's iconic paintings are some of the most profound works of twentieth - century Abstract Expressionism.
Often without formal training, and facing economic insecurity and racial discrimination, these artists created profound works from both conventional art media and cast - off materials, giving visual power to a highly developed vernacular tradition that enriches an alternative to conventional narratives of modern art.
But the screenwriter of «Taxi Driver» and «Raging Bull,» a man who has explored the wretched and the sublime and was at the heart of the 1970s independent film revolution, flew in from New York to talk about his new movie, «First Reformed,» his most searing and profound work in years.
Vine is the cool new toy from Twitter that challenges users to make the most profound work ever committed to video in exactly six seconds.
At the same time Rosmini cultivated an intense spiritual life, one of the fruits of which is his shortest but perhaps most profound work, The Maxims of Christian Perfection.
These are profound works of literature, which tell us about the people who wrote them.
To the extent that we are committed to the ideal of a secular society free of ecclesiastical influence and governed by toleration, liberty, and a conception of civic virtue; and insofar as we think of true religious piety as consisting in treating other human beings with dignity and respect, and regard the Bible simply as a profound work of human literature with a universal moral message, we are the heirs of Spinoza's scandalous treatise.
This was profound work, and they communicated through the most reliable, effective collaborative tool of their day: the post office.
I just found you through your interview with Wellness Mama and I think you are doing such important & profound work, I just wanted to tell you.
Whether or not Breaking the Waves succeeds as a profound work is something that's hard to say after one viewing, but it is certainly a wholly original piece of work.
Paul Schrader's «First Reformed» is a searing and profound work that explores spiritual pain and environmental ruin with quiet, yet furious, energy.
I believe its one of his most profound works to date.
The end result is a profound work of genuine emotional heft — two hours of hope surrounded by the worst conceit imaginable.
For an introduction, the actor uses a humorous bit of production history to frame the film as a profound work of alternative mythmaking as well as a prescient vision of a privatized future.
This profound work examines both the potential gains and the pitfalls that lie ahead for primary - and secondary - school education in the United States.
Besides, it may happen so that the student is not competent enough in the subject area and is not able to create a profound work that would earn him / her a high grade.
Nestled in one of the rustic townhouses of the upscale neighborhood, Hammons» works on social justice, African American experience and freedom of expression blanket two spacious floors, promising a coherent portrayal of the Brooklyn - based artist's profound work, accompanied by traditional Japanese court music chiming on the second floor.
But Tom «Texas» Holmes, who works in Tennessee, manages to transform a monumental graphic of this breakfast object's box into a profound work of art in his latest outing at Bureau.
Nestled in one of the rustic townhouses of the upscale neighborhood, Hammons» works on social justice, African American experience and freedom of expression blanket two spacious floors, promising a coherent portrayal of the Brooklyn - based artist's profound work, accompanied by traditional Japanese court music chiming on the second floor.
«Donald Judd's profound work has had tremendous impact on the way in which I see the world,» Solange said in a statement.
This profound work is a museum quality piece (it was de-accessioned from the New Orleans Museum of Art) and would look stunning in any private or public collection; indoors or outdoors.
«My thought with painting, with any profound work of art, is that the real idea is to have you speechless — with being moved so that you're speechless...»
Some may argue that he creates «ruin porn,» but he does it like no one else, creating profound work that points to the ways in which history, commerce, and the built environment intersect at specific locations around the globe.
Professor Wangari Maathai, an extraordinary woman who in 2004 received the Nobel Peace Prize for her profound work, started the movement by promoting an understanding of the relationship between a healthy environment and civically engaged communities.
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