Sentences with phrase «progress in a linear fashion»

Not exact matches

My only point was «I myself» never heard of making uninterrupted progress by any means, for three years, even as far as noob gains, in a linear fashion.
One of the many interesting findings that came from this study was that weight loss progressed in a nice, linear fashion in the beginning.
Instead, the game progresses in a boring, linear fashion where the plot is predictable.
Unlike the games of old, where progress was usually made in a linear fashion, Tribute's title extends a sprawling landscape for players.
Finally, selecting Action will remove all of the dialog options from you, allowing the game to progress in a much more linear fashion so the player can get right into the action and not worry about dictating the path of Commander Shepard.
It is widely believed that art progressed, and continues to progress, in a linear fashion.
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