Sentences with phrase «progressive direction»

«The whole region has moved in a more progressive direction in part in reaction to the very conservative Republican tone from the national GOP, and so politicians have to had adjust to a changing electorate, and in some cases that has resulted in party switches,» said Darrell West, vice president of governance studies at the Brookings Institution, a center - left think tank in Washington D.C.
Mayor de Blasio vowed to take New York City in «a new progressive direction,» telling a crowd of 5,000 gathered Wednesday for his inauguration at City Hall: «We won't wait...
«There's no question that the 2016 election marks the death of the Democratic establishment, which is an opportunity for a progressive organization to shift the Democratic Party in a decisively progressive direction,» Torres continued.
I want to be on the Town Board because I see the opportunity to continue the current progressive direction of the town.
Serving as chairman of the Committee on Small Business, the former pro basketball player's most outspoken moments have come in defense of charter schools, and in warning that the city's aggressively progressive direction might debilitate mom - and - pop entrepreneurs.
Roger, unless we tackle the causes of [and NOT merely rationalisations for] education and other social problems, we'll continue following flawed Faux Progressive directions which have increased disadvantage.
I look forward to working with the new Speaker and all of my colleagues to have a strong independent City Council and to move this city in a more progressive direction
But it's an odd way to deliver on rhetoric about bringing «a new progressive direction to New...
Mill, like Marcus, viewed history as a play of vast forces, marching onward forever, though Man now occupied God's superior vantage point and was channeling those forces in a progressive direction.
The same is true for complaints about a lack of democratic movement in a progressive direction when one doesn't vote (see the «Bernie Bro» movement of 2016).
Backed by unions and grassroots activists, the WFP was organized in 1998 to move New York and national politics in a progressive direction.
I believe that by far the strongest way to move the political debate in a progressive direction in New York - especially on issues such as fracking and the minimum wage - is to maximize the vote total for the most progressive candidate, not to spread out the vote for the Prince of Darkness among four ballot lines that only political insiders care about.
Sen. Bernie Sanders responded to former Vice President Joe Biden's recent endorsement of former Secretary of Labor Tom Perez for DNC chair by reaffirming the necessity for Rep. Keith Ellison to win the DNC chair seat in order to take the Democratic Party in a more progressive direction.
«Now we will begin to steer this body in a progressive direction, on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers who voted decisively for a break from the past,» said new Transportation Committee Chair Ydanis Rodriguez (D - Manhattan).
Participation in a centre - left coalition will lose us credibility as we would spend most of the time helping to undo the Tory policies that we helped implement (academy schools, NHS fragmentation, bedroom tax, etc. etc.) and continuation with the Tories would be unpalatable as we have lost hope of dragging them in a progressive direction, or even anywhere near the «centre» as Nick Clegg imagines (just watch this year's Tory conference).
In addition to Teachout, Sanders has been fundraising for a number of candidates around the country, on the state and congressional level, in hopes of pushing American politics in a more progressive direction.
Never mind, went the line dispensed by the party leadership: the prospect of a democratic (ish) House of Lords would seal the idea that, despite their political pain, the Lib Dems were pulling Britain in a progressive direction.
Yesterday, Mayor Bill de Blasio presented New York City's Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2015, a «fiscally responsible plan» that reflects the administration's priorities and moves the city «in a new, progressive direction».
Those Labour leadership candidates who talk about pushing the political centre ground in a progressive direction now face a great test.
A crusading Fordham University academic, she had become a left - of - center celebrity in 2014 by clawing away an embarrassing third of the Democratic vote from Cuomo in the primary for governor, giving him a rough shove in a more progressive direction.
We will certainly need a centre - left alliance of organising forces to take the party in a progressive direction.
Longtime Prospect - Lefferts Gardens resident Cheryl Sealey is backing Cunningham over Eugene because she feels the district — which covers Flatbush, Kensington, Prospect Park South and Prospect - Lefferts Gardens — «needs to go in a more progressive direction,» particularly on housing and education issues.
De Blasio, a Democrat, interpreted the win as a broad mandate for change, calling in his inaugural address for «a new progressive direction» that would «put an end to economic and social inequalities that threaten to unravel the city we love.»
I'm hoping that Wendig's take on the matter is right and that SF / F (as well as society in general) will continue to move in a progressive direction.
The moment marks a progressive direction forward for the country, and, serving as a mantle above Grabner's curatorial text, for American art today.
I think that is a valid activity to engage in and I feel that we desperately need a successful party on the left which is able to challenge government from the left, forcing it always to be aware that if it doesn?t start moving in a progressive direction then it is going to lose votes.
All those lawyers who voted for your must have taken an honest step towards the progressive direction and expecting fair without any monopoly.
Through the knowledge and experience of the entire Calig Law Firm staff, my wife and I have brought our lives back into perspective and are moving forward in a progressive direction for a brighter more prosperous future.»
Be they Liberal or liberal, New Democrats or democrats, Green voters or voters who want a green country, or even Red Tories searching for a home, these bloggers believe that Canadian politics should move in a progressive direction.
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