Sentences with phrase «progressive education reform»

«I believe that an increase in pupil segregation on the basis of academic selection would be at best a distraction from crucial reforms to raise standards and narrow the attainment gap and at worse risk actively undermining six years of progressive education reform
If you care about public education and you think that an organization like PAA is needed to push for better public schools for every single child, and to give stakeholders a national voice in progressive education reform, please make a generous donation now.
With Communities for Public Education Reform (CPER) in its final stages of operations, we absolutely need philanthropy to re-engage with community organizing for progressive education reform.
In 1998, she became the Deputy Superintendent of Education for the South Carolina Department of Education and worked with educators, legislators, and the business community to pass the Education and Economic Development Act, the National Board Certification for teachers, and other progressive education reforms.
WHY: This forum represents the first effort by a national grassroots parent organization to present their vision of positive progressive education reform --- a perspective PAA believes has been so far ignored in the national debate on education --- and what's wrong with the current policies being imposed on our schools.
Education Committee chair Neil Carmichael was quick to criticise the plans, and he has been joined by former Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, who warned the plans risk «undermining six years of progressive education reform» under the Conservative government.
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