Sentences with phrase «progressive reduction»

The fake press release was picked up by several media outlets, including the Dallas Morning News, UK Hemscott and several blogs before journalists realized that USCAP members would never agree to such progressive reductions in carbon emissions or a moratorium on coal plants.
Long - term bills: The Conservative Party's social reforms - reducing welfare, strengthening the family and reducing drug dependency - should deliver progressive reductions in the demands on the welfare state.
While the congressional plan outlines a steady, downward - sloping curve to a balanced budget in FY 2002, the President's plan calls for a significant increase in R&D between FY 1996 and FY 1997, followed by progressive reductions in subsequent years.
This allowed the researchers to simulate both the age - related progression of Alzheimer's disease, and an associated progressive reduction in BACE1 activity.
«Rate of ectopic pregnancy following IVF has almost halved in past 12 years: Progressive reduction in risk associated with less tubal infertility and fewer embryos transferred.»
It is true that he underestimated the role of imperialism and even more that he did not foresee the resourcefulness of monopoly capitalism in handling the problems of (a) the progressive reduction of profit margins (which has, in effect, been eliminated), (b) instability and insufficiency of the realization of capital (in the 1860s who could have foreseen the mushrooming of military consumption in the twentieth century?)
Concrescence, in processes of finite actualization, consists in the progressive reduction of these alternatives to one form, which is actualized by the matter derived from the past.
With each progressive reduction in illumination, visual acuity decreased significantly.
One thing, however, is clear — if you didn't have low testosterone before, it's unlikely that this progressive reduction is going to push you into low testosterone territory.
«Manopause» or «andropause» is ``... A progressive reduction in testosterone and bioavailable testosterone levels and an increase in SHBG -LSB-(sex hormone - binding globulin)-RSB-.»
Recommendations for further reductions in saturated fat intake (eg, to ≤ 7 % of total energy)(5) are based primarily on the prediction of a progressive reduction in CVD risk associated with greater reductions in LDL cholesterol.
Yet, if this programmatic statement of multiple colors stood for Rauschenberg as the beginning of an engagement with painting, it also signaled the conclusion of painting as a modernist practice oriented to the progressive reduction toward an «essence» of color applied to a flat surface.
It includes all adaptation options which can be modelled through a progressive reduction of the vulnerability, including the implementation of early warning systems, dry and wet flood proofing, and floating buildings, among others (see Strangfeld and Stopp 2014; Kreibich et al. 2015; Pappenberger et al. 2015).
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