Sentences with phrase «progressive social reforms»

Over the next decade, a wide range of progressive social reforms were enacted, [68][69] with millions lifted out of poverty during Labour's time in office largely as a result of various tax and benefit reforms.
Labour's 179 seat majority in parliament will not be taken by Tony Blair as a mandate for progressive social reform.
For those who share an ethical, non-religious outlook and are committed to equality, human rights and progressive social reform, the party should seem a natural home.

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Possible reforms could include raising the full retirement age for Social Security to 70 for workers who are currently under age 40; cutting benefits; increasing payroll taxes on workers; increasing Medicare premiums; and making Social Security benefits more progressive — meaning cutting benefits for high - income workers, while preserving payouts for low - income earners.
It is the West itself that has veered away from the direction in which its civilization was traveling under the direction of classical political economy and Progressive Era social reforms.
With the exception of the 1989 election, when Liberal Bill Code placed second, only the conservative Reform Party, Progressive Conservative, Alberta Alliance, Social Credit and Wildrose Party, and the environmentalist Evergreen Party have participated in the elections.
Progressive legal theorists exploited this doctrinal disjunction to argue that the justices» opposition to economic reforms was fundamentally ideological and thus illegitimate: «If the public's evolving attitude towards liquor and lotteries had been sufficient to justify a rethinking of economic rights and federalism constraints, the argument went, then what else but the subjective policy preferences of the justices themselves could explain the Court's stubborn resistance to other, broadly popular forms of «social» legislation?»
The mentality that Rauschenbusch deployed to seduce his readers — the turn away from troubling debates about doctrine, the shift from personal salvation to social reform, and the reassurance that progressive disdain for traditional religion was in fact a sign of a more authentic and scientific faith — provided a way to remain Christian while setting aside whatever seems incompatible with modern life.
It bestowed upon the church also the gift of highly educated and cultured ministers who, profoundly aware of the needs of modern life, became the proponents of the advancement of modern civilization and the leaders of many progressive movements in education and social reform.
Armed with their «progressive» reading of Vatican II, American Jesuits of this transitional generation became more committed to the struggle for social reform than to the propagation of Christian faith.
In the first phase of Progressive reform, beginning in the closing decades of the nineteenth century, the revisionist agenda focused on populist political and social legislation, diverse formulas for economic redistribution, and the establishment of a tutelary national government.
It also takes a progressive approach to social policies such as animal rights, LGBTIQ rights and drug policy reform, and believes strongly in nonviolence, basic material security, and democratic participation.
But while economic efficiency and social justice arguments for wealth taxation are important, analysis of the political context in which progressive policymakers have to make the case for reform is often missing.
Such initiatives have also been interspersed with attention to moderate social reforms, including gun control and paid family leave, dappled with more progressive policies like protections for transgender residents and a rejection of fracking.
Morgan lists Lloyd George's dazzling achievements, including extending political democracy for working men and women, pioneering progressive concepts of social reform, managing both business and the unions and being a successful wartime prime minister.
Long - term bills: The Conservative Party's social reforms - reducing welfare, strengthening the family and reducing drug dependency - should deliver progressive reductions in the demands on the welfare state.
In the internal election of the progressive liberal D66 the more radical democratic minister without portfolio for government reform Alexander Pechtold beat the more social - liberal chair of the parliamentary party Lousewies van der Laan.
Launch the «New York Promise» Agenda to Advance Social Justice and Affirm New York's Progressive Values - Reforms of the Criminal Justice System including «overhauling New York's antiquated bail system, ensuring access to a speedy trial, raising the age of criminal responsibility, improving witness identification procedures, recording police interrogations for serious offenses, and extending the Hurrell - Harring settlement reforms statewide.Reforms of the Criminal Justice System including «overhauling New York's antiquated bail system, ensuring access to a speedy trial, raising the age of criminal responsibility, improving witness identification procedures, recording police interrogations for serious offenses, and extending the Hurrell - Harring settlement reforms statewide.reforms statewide.»
«I applaud Governor Cuomo for his dedication to the people of New York and his work to ensure our state continues to lead the nation in social reform and progressive policy.
While there has been a clear schism between reform's free market enthusiasts and its social justice wing, there can be little doubt that the movement's center of gravity has shifted sharply to the left, even though political progressives mostly regard the standard reform agenda — choice, charters, testing, anti-union policies — with contempt.
I'm worried that when the history of today's era of education reform is written, the most damning critique will be that its progressive leaders had little understanding of social capital.
This view holds that true school reform must be part of a broader social justice campaign led by people of color, which calls for progressive changes to health care, housing, immigration, and economic policies, as well as education.
And following what appears to be the new ed reform ideal model, Massachusetts charters predominantly serve highly disadvantaged communities, so they have positioned themselves as the progressive promoters of social justice.
The appointment of the progressive Liberal, who replaced Christopher Pyne, will see the boost of Australia's vocational education and training (VET) sector and will also see him take control of the government's $ 4.4 billion childcare reforms as they move out of social services and back into the education portfolio.
Today, progressives dominate education reform, and progressivism is stirred by calls for «social justice» and transfixed by economic inequality.
i.e.: inquiry in education IAFOR Journal of Education IAFOR Journal of Language Learning ICHPER - SD Journal of Research IEEE Transactions on Education IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Improving Schools Independent School Industry and Higher Education Infant and Child Development Infants and Young Children Informatics in Education Information Research: An International Electronic Journal Information Systems Education Journal Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching Innovations in Education and Teaching International Innovative Higher Education InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching Insights into Learning Disabilities Instructional Science: An International Journal of the Learning Sciences Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Interactive Learning Environments Interactive Technology and Smart Education Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education Intercultural Education Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem - based Learning International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives International Education Studies International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education International Journal for Academic Development International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning International Journal for Research in Learning Disabilities International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning International Journal for Transformative Research International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology International Journal of Art & Design Education International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education International Journal of Behavioral Development International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism International Journal of Christianity & Education International Journal of Computer - Supported Collaborative Learning International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning International Journal of Developmental Science International Journal of Disability, Development and Education International Journal of Distance Education Technologies International Journal of Early Childhood International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education International Journal of Early Years Education International Journal of Education & the Arts International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation International Journal of Educational Management International Journal of Educational Methodology International Journal of Educational Psychology International Journal of Educational Reform International Journal of Educational Technology International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education International Journal of Emotional Education International Journal of English Studies International Journal of ePortfolio International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education International Journal of Game - Based Learning International Journal of Higher Education International Journal of Inclusive Education International Journal of Information and Communication International Journal of Information and Learning Technology International Journal of Instruction International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders International Journal of Leadership in Education International Journal of Learning and Change International Journal of Lifelong Education International Journal of Listening International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning International Journal of Multicultural Education International Journal of Multilingualism International Journal of Music Education International Journal of Progressive Education International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education International Journal of Research & Method in Education International Journal of Research in Education and Science International Journal of School & Educational Psychology International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education International Journal of Science Education International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement International Journal of Social Research Methodology International Journal of Special Education International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education International Journal of Teacher Leadership International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education International Journal of Technology and Design Education International Journal of Testing International Journal of Training and Development International Journal of Training Research International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments International Journal of Web - Based Learning and Teaching Technologies International Journal of Whole Schooling International Journal of Work - Integrated Learning International Journal on E-Learning International Multilingual Research Journal International Research and Review International Research in Early Childhood Education International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education International Review of Education International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning International Studies in Catholic Education International Studies in Sociology of Education Intervention in School and Clinic Investigations in Mathematics Learning Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research Irish Educational Studies Issues in Educational Research Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship Issues in Teacher Education Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers
In the next breath, however, he confusingly characterizes progressive reform during that same time period as «radical» — the Common School movement, for example, in which education was first envisioned as the province of the entire public, regardless of money or social status.
Like Nesbit, Olive Wellwood belongs to the Fabian Society, a group that advocated for democratic socialism and social reforms, and the novel concerns itself with progressive social and artistic movements as well as fairy tales and folklore.
HSUS is the nation's largest animal protection organization that works to reduce animal suffering and create meaningful social change through progressive legislation; making sure existing laws are enforced; public awareness campaigns and investigations; assisting large corporations in reforming their animal welfare policies, and providing direct care, rescue, and services for animals in crisis.
That said, social justice adventurism is a progressive cause of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change (e.g. elective regime change, abortion fields) that forces Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform (e.g. refugee crises).
Economic reforms began to tackle Brazil's foreign and domestic debt head - on, address the problems of poverty and social justice, put the country on a firm economic footing, and finally, strive towards a responsible environmental policy — the latter being hailed as being among the most progressive in the world.
And while the young prince is progressive on social issues by Saudi standards and is making efforts at reform, his government is still under scrutiny for its restrictive policies toward women and other groups.
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