Sentences with phrase «progressive things»

We Digital Comics Roundup we try to showcase some of the wide variety of comic creators doing progressive things with original, digital comics.
«They've put money into supporting freedom of expression and been behind some really progressive things, but at the end of the day, they're a corporation seeking to make money,» she said.
Social democratic (and other) politicians will tend to do more progressive things when they face constraints and pressures from the likes of community organizing to offset the pressures and constraints they face from business etc..
While there is much angst amongst the «traditionalists» about progressive things like charter schools and school choice for poor families, we know that Malcolm X called for school systems to significantly shake things up.
«Democrats should be able to do progressive things.
Look a the progressive things we've coming forward with — the Canada Child Benefit, the middle - class tax cut, the investments in affordable housing, the investments in early learning.»
Learning history and experiencing heritage through singing together may just be the progressive thing we've been missing in our families and churches.
And offence might be a good, progressive thing.
Jon Cruddas, a man who has plenty of sensible and progressive things to say about both, has ruled himself out.
He called universal pre-kindergarten and rent freezes for rent - stabilized apartments the only two progressive things the mayor has done, criticizing his non-committal stance on providing reduced transit fares as «regressive.»
«As long as Cuomo's got the Senate Republicans, all these progressive things that he claims he wants — the DREAM Act, public campaign financing — he can say, «Oh, it's too bad they won't do it,»» one elected official says.
«I mean the numbers don't look good in taking the Senate back right now and the Republicans are going to keep the House, and in a Trump presidency, with the Senate confirming a conservative Supreme Court nominee, all of the progressive things that we care about in New York City could be taken away,» he said.
«I don't think unions see Andrew Cuomo as a true progressive hero, but rather as someone who is willing to do some progressive things — for whatever reason.
All of the progressive things that California's doing and Oregon and Washington — campaign finance reform and voting reform and fully funding our schools and being a leader in renewable energy and enacting real criminal justice reform... this is the kind of stuff we want to be doing in New York.
«New York was the progressive capital of the nation, that's our history, that's our legacy — that we did the progressive things first,» Cuomo told a group of more than a hundred volunteers and elected officials during a rally at the S.A.R. Academy in Riverdale.
Lisa Delpit, in her classic 1986 Harvard Educational Review article, «Skills and Other Dilemmas of a Progressive Black Educator,» explained how upscale white parents in the Philadelphia school where she taught «learned the same kinds of things I had learned about education» — progressive things.
It follows that the progressive thing to do is to allow more children to attend these schools.
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