Sentences with phrase «prohibiting abortion funding»

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For going on three weeks now, the Senate has been hung up on an amendment to the bill prohibiting its victims» fund, collected from fines on traffickers, from being used for abortions.
And it is not the time for an 11th - hour effort to prohibit the District of Columbia from using Medicaid funds to pay for abortions — something all states are permitted to do.
On the pro-life side, ban abortions after 20 weeks (with an exception for the mother's life) and make permanent the long - standing and bipartisan - crafted principles of the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the direct federal funding of abortion.
On a final note, by implementing $ 1 / month abortions, [11] Obamacare has upended longstanding law prohibiting the use of taxpayer money for abortions, [12] by requiring that taxpayers fund abortions through private pay insurance.
Also you might like to know that there was an executive order issued by the president prohibiting the use of public funds for elective abortions which was pretty much the impetus that got the health care bill passed.
That could not be the problem here in Floridia, since an amendment prohibiting government funding for abortions passed.
A recent law prohibits federal funds from paying for most abortions, but Planned Parenthood — which, among other services, is a major abortion provider (3 percent of their services are abortions)-- has received hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding — legally, much of that can not be used on abortions.
A similar invasion of civil rights is implicit in the initiative to require doctors to report to the Department of Health persons infected with the AIDS virus, and in the proposed restrictions that would prohibit any family planning institution receiving federal funds from informing clients of the availability of abortion services.
Ronald Reagan first implemented the policy that prohibited the U.S. from funding programs that offer abortion overseas.
The rule — first implemented by President Reagan at a 1984 conference in Mexico City — prohibits international family planning organizations from receiving federal funds unless they agree not to perform or counsel for abortions or lobby in order to liberalize the pro-life policies of foreign governments.
Katko said through a spokeswoman that his vote reflected longstanding bipartisan support for the Hyde Amendment, prohibiting the use of any federal funds for abortion.
Abortion Funding — Vote Passed (238 - 183, 11 Not Voting) The bill would permanently prohibit the use of federal funds to pay for abortion or abortion cAbortion Funding — Vote Passed (238 - 183, 11 Not Voting) The bill would permanently prohibit the use of federal funds to pay for abortion or abortion cabortion or abortion cabortion coverage.
The Global Gag Rule on international family planning prohibits any U.S. family planning aid from going to groups that provide abortions or speak out about the issue of abortion (even using their own private, non-U.S. funds.
Indiana enacted legislation prohibiting agencies that provide abortion from receiving any funding through the state, including Medicaid; the provision is not being enforced due to a legal challenge.
State funding for abortions is already prohibited except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.
This amendment reaches much further than the Hyde Amendment, which has prohibited public funding of abortion in most instances since 1977.
Last week, over protests from thousands of Ohioans statewide, Governor John Kasich signed a budget into law without exercising his line - item veto to strike a Targeted Restriction of Abortion Providers (TRAP) provision prohibiting transfer agreements with public hospitals, a mandatory ultrasound provision, as well as a measure designed to block funds for preventive health care at Planned Parenthood health centers in Ohio.
A Gallup poll found that 57 percent of voters oppose «laws prohibiting health clinics that provide abortion services from receiving any federal funds
The law also would have prohibited third - party entities that receive affected funds from separately contracting with any entity offering or affiliated with abortion services, counseling or referral.
Title X was originally passed in 1970 with strong bipartisan support, and Title X funds have been prohibited from going toward abortions since the program's inception.
The third prohibits the use of public funds to train abortion providers at state universities.
«The Budget also follows through on a campaign promise and prohibits any funding in the Labor - HHS appropriations bill for certain entities that provide abortions, including Planned Parenthood.
Federal funds are prohibited from covering abortion as a result of the prohibitive Hyde amendment (which Planned Parenthood opposes) except in the dire circumstances of rape, incest, or when the life of the woman is in jeopardy.
It also prohibits state funding of any abortion provider for preventive health care services like cancer screening, contraception services and STD testing and treatment.
What it says: The amendment prohibits the use of U.S. foreign assistance funds for the performance of abortion «as a method of family planning.»
U.S. foreign policy prohibits funding abortion only «as a method of family planning,» but global health funding programs currently extend beyond the letter of the law by interpreting this to prohibit funding for all abortion — even in the cases of rape, incest or a life - endangering pregnancy.
The new legislation is unnecessary because the Hyde Amendment already prohibits the use of federal funds for abortion except in extreme, rare circumstances.
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