Sentences with phrase «project onto them»

Of course, this makes it a bit more difficult to project oneself onto him (I don't know about you, but I can't really relate to a gruff, blonde, Irish dude), but it also allows him to develop as a character, along with everyone around him.
NEVER press the transmitter out of anger or frustration as this will project onto your pet and could leave them more anxious and fearful.
Wi - Fi allows devices to wirelessly project onto their vehicle screens on the in - vehicle screens through Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA)(can only wirelessly project from one device at a time)
In - vehicle Wi - Fi system allows devices to wirelessly project onto their vehicle screens on the in - vehicle screens through Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA).
A new Blind - Spot Detection system (BSD) helps monitor traffic around the car and for Genesis» equipped with the Heads - Up Display (HUD), the BSD system indicators also project onto the windshield, nearer the driver's view of the road, a segment first.
In addition, for Genesis» equipped with the Head's - Up Display, the BSD system indicators also project onto the windshield, nearer the driver's view of the road, a segment first.
Whoever is «driving» the Mini can customize the interior instantaneously to their liking, choosing different colors, graphics, and content to project onto the interior of the car.
Print off the grids and laminate them or project them onto a whiteboard.
Each of my students has access to this file, but I also project it onto my smart board.
1 Sound file: Voice recording by author, Josie Whitehead 2 PDF to project onto your classroom screen.
«You can use them to project onto the screen a page from a book, math manipulatives, or any 3 - D object.»
We can't disengage ourselves and project it onto kids and say, «it's the kids» fault for X, Y or Z» reasons...
Hubert says the two qualities that have made the Flat Stanley Project a success — its flexibility and its simplicity — are the same ones that would make it easy to redirect the focus of the project onto families.
In this wonderfully stylized mixture of sex, pornography, voyeurism, gore and overwhelming suspense, in which he makes the audience totally immersed in the bulletproof story and the occasionally overtly creepy atmosphere with the generous help of his main character, shaped into a helpless pawn we can so easily project ourselves onto, Brian De Palma offers us one of the most distinguishable pictures of the decade.
Tiffany Haddish has managed to squeeze yet another project onto her increasingly stuffed dance card; Netflix has just announced that the Girls Trip star is teaming up with the creative team behind BoJack Horseman for a new animated series.
Or are they in love with the idealized images of their spouses they project onto one another?
But project this onto a wall in a dark room with a heavy amount of smoke in it, and you'll be astonished to see the conical shape the light from the film projector begins to form.
I think it's related to a kind of sentimentalization and anthropomorphization of the nature of innocence, but it's hard sometimes to look at a dog as a dog, when so much of what a dog does is refracted through the way humans read things and project onto a dog.
This was the effect «War for the Planet of the Apes» was going for, though Cooper isn't asking audiences to acknowledge his good taste, but simply giving them room, both physical and emotional (and further encouraged by Max Richter's restrained tonal score), to project themselves onto the scene.
I'm pinning your super cute project onto my burlap and lace wedding board on Pinterest!
Then I placed the image under my mom's projector to project it onto the wall & enlarge it.
You project onto the world what you see inside, and you fail to project into the world what you fail to see inside.
If a marriage is suffering from an untenable red - flag issue, then the underlying mindset of conscious uncoupling — which basically means tending to your own grief and other uncomfortable feelings so that you don't project them onto your partner in the form of retaliatory anger and longterm resentment — is a gentle and responsible way to dissolve a marriage.
For example, the response to tropospheric ozone forcing could project onto that for sulphate aerosol forcing.
Cytoadhesion of P. falciparum in the brain leads to a large number of deaths each year and is a consequence of exported parasite proteins, some of which modify the erythrocyte cytoskeleton while others such as PfEMP1 project onto the erythrocyte surface where they bind to endothelial cells.
Between 100 and 250 nerve fibres project onto the STG from the brain and spinal cord, enabling central nervous system (CNS) regulation.
Whatever chilling effect the White House might project onto the climate issue, those senior officials have given some cover to the career officials in their agencies, Femia said.
Recent brain imaging research shows that people project themselves onto avatars, explaining the potential of digital doppelgängers for treating phobias and anxiety disorders and in helping people lose weight and make better financial choices.
«When the water surface is wavy, sun - rays refract according to the waves and project onto the solar image plane,» explains Schechner.
To make predictions from the 10 - or 11 - dimensional string / M theories, it is necessary to project them onto a world with four spacetime dimensions, and some resulting descriptions have had phenomenological successes.
In most vertebrates and some mollusks, the eye works by allowing light to enter it and project onto a light - sensitive panel of cells known as the retina at the rear of the eye, where the light is detected and converted into electrical signals.
At first, he won't be able to see anything more than a foot away from him in great detail, but he'll nevertheless enjoy the delicate play of shadows your window blinds project onto a nearby wall, a bright curtain gently fluttering in the breeze, and the varied shapes and colors of a big houseplant or an outdoor tree or bush.
Look at Song and Diaby's rise this season and project onto players like Bendtner, Nasri and Aaron Ramsey and the future is undeniable.
i support them to be entertained or to be happy that i support them and if my support turns to possessiveness and anguish for every loss, then i have other problems which i project onto the club, because as you correctly said for me seeing arsenal play makes me happy and i DO want them to win the league, but i wont be depressed if they do nt
On the social level the contemplative easily intuits the roots of war: fear of self and others that springs from inability to trust God; the unrecognized self - hatred that we project onto others; the illusory view that our political ideals are purer than our opponents», and the accompanying moral paralysis that stems from an exaggerated sense of guilt about holding this illusion.
At least this is the case with normal perception, where we both have a sensory image and project it onto some region of the environment.2 Whitehead charges both the empiricists and Descartes with having isolated the experiencing subject from the world by leaving the body out of their interpretations.
As long as this structure is unconscious, persons tend to project it onto persons of the other sex, and to love it or reject it there.
Usually such parents have not been able to admit to or accept strong negative feelings in themselves, and thus project onto the child their own feelings of badness.
It is not, therefore, true to assert that scientific knowledge is made up simply of theories which are the products of our own minds, conflicting models which we project onto the evidence as we attempt to interpret it.
I may be tempted to take my own confusion and project it onto the universe.
This reveals our shared tendency to project onto the text our cultural and personal assumptions or to distort the text until it fits into a presupposed ideal.
The possibility is negligible that Jung's term «projection» indicates a lack of agreement with Barfield that there was a time when man did not merely project onto but participated in his umwelt.
Because as we do so, we will meet the darkness that we carry within ourselves — the ultimate source of the shadows that we project onto other people.
A person who is frightened by life and unable to accept his own negative impulses may project these onto minority groups.
In contrast to the notion of creatures formed in the image of God, a significant alternative conception is not the image in which we were formed, but the image that we project onto the world.
Some project onto the Rav's conclusions their own unease with the Christian contribution to human spiritual culture.
Instinctively we take this view we have been taught and project it onto the biblical passages rather then letting Scripture speak for itself in its own context.
All our fears, our desires for revenge and the stumbling blocks that we so easily project onto God are ours alone and can be undone, let go and forgiven by the One who is coming.
It also comes across as something that YOU believe («I, elohist2009, have an aversion to authority) but want to project onto atheists.
We look at the Bible, and just as our Jewish predecessors did, see a violent God doing violent things, and we project this onto what we think Jesus is supposed to be like.
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