Sentences with phrase «project statement»

This kit contains a news release, the Raising Blended Learners initiative grant summary, downloadable Raise Your Hand Texas and Raising Blended Learners logos, images and project statements of the five winning teams, a map of the five demonstration sites and pilot network, YouTube playlists highlighting important benchmarks from the initiative, and downloadable video and photos that illustrate blended learning in action.
Minimum ten (10) spreads of a book dummy that best communicate your project and vision for publication Project statement about your photobook and how you would use the grant funding Expressions of interest from publishers, if available, and / or details on any other publishing grants or funding received CV and / or artist statement
Her 1999 Art Car, built upon the V12 LMR race car, was devoid of shapes, forms, or bright colors, but projected statements upon viewers that Holzer said «will probably never become void.»
Reported consolidated P / L statements and per project statements to the Finance Manager and the Head Office
They are also essential parts of the project scope, and they should be documented as assumptions in the project statement of work or charter.
Using the online submission system, submit up to 10 poems totaling no more than 15 pages or up to 15 pages of prose with a biography, an artist statement, a project statement, a curriculum vitae, and a $ 15 entry fee by August 31.
This is the project statement:
During one - on - one sessions, speakers will review artist statements, project statements, project budgets, work samples, and any other aspect in need of revision.
In the project statement about his work for the French Pavilion Veilhan says: «I imagine an overall environment: an immersive installation that propels visitors to the world of the recording studio and that is inspired by the pioneering work of Kurt Schwitters, the Merzbau (1923 - 1937).
I love these moment, when I am able to push open a door to a visual realm, I did not expect to find,» Fabian says in his project statement.
As fig - 2 curator Fatos Ustek explains in the project statement, «fig - 2 operates as a catalyst to manifest the aesthetic and critical currency of our times.»
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