Sentences with phrase «projected stable funding»

The NDP budget includes modest increases and projected stable funding for health care, education, advanced education and human services — core services that Albertans depend on.

Not exact matches

As we describe in our 2014 report for the National Marriage Project, «Facilitating Forever,» community organizations receiving federal funding approved by both Democrat and Republican administrations have attempted to foster stable marriages and families in at - risk populations for over a decade.
We must prioritize finding more stable transit funding sources other than from the commuters» pockets to balance the budget, stave off future hikes and restore funding for much - needed capital projects
But «NIGMS Director Jon Lorsch, in Bethesda, Maryland, says only a «small minority» [of MIRA awardees] have complained, and that NIGMS was «very clear» that a MIRA would entail less money overall in exchange for an extra year of stable funding and freedom to pursue new ideas not tied to a specific project.
In June a much - touted report by Leonardo Maugeri — an Italian oil executive now at the Geopolitics of Energy Project, based at Harvard University and part - funded by BP — forecast that far from running out of oil, this decade will see the strongest growth in production capacity since the 1980s and a «significant, stable dip of oil prices».
This fund finances and manages a diversified portfolio of commercial - scale solar projects that service stable businesses, municipalities, non-profits, and community solar developments across the United States.
Compared to the relatively even and stable video games chart, it is very clear that the Tabletop Games category has steady growth in the number of projects that get funded each week.
This project and Washington Project For the Arts Inc. are supported by the City Fund, which works to make the District of Columbia a more healthy, stable, and vibrant place to live for all its resproject and Washington Project For the Arts Inc. are supported by the City Fund, which works to make the District of Columbia a more healthy, stable, and vibrant place to live for all its resProject For the Arts Inc. are supported by the City Fund, which works to make the District of Columbia a more healthy, stable, and vibrant place to live for all its residents.
Washington Project For the Arts Inc. is supported by the City Fund, which works to make the District of Columbia a more healthy, stable, and vibrant place to live for all its residents.
Assisted in managing and maintaining a stable budget through financial records management and preparation of financial reports for programmed funds analysis and project planning.
Further delays and funding uncertainty for much - needed transportation projects, particularly those that allow communities to grow and contribute to walkable, stable, and vibrant neighborhoods, may negatively affect property values and inhibit development.
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