Sentences with phrase «proliferation of»

There is no limit to the proliferation of categories, but there are types of «concrescence» which pass by shading off from one to another» (N 165).
In addition to the denominational hymnals are plans for any number of nondenominational hymnals, together with a proliferation of hymnal supplements intended in some cases to promote hymns not ordinarily found in mainline hymnals.
Yet another trend is the proliferation of community colleges, a movement that seeks to bring education to the people.»
However, he also recognizes that «Serious inquiry seeks precision; precision entails... the clear distinction of details; and this proliferation of details changes the scale upon which ordinary inquiry can be conducted....
We can indeed observe a rapid transnational proliferation of mass - market advertising and electronic entertainment produced by a handful of mega-conglomerates.
(CNN) We can blame the Internet for plenty: the proliferation of porn, our obsession with cat videos, the alleged rise of teen trends like - brace yourself - eyeball licking.
With the proliferation of computer users and the growth of knowledge about computer operations, the chances of computer abuse have drastically increased.
Christians should agree that there exists a perfect orthodoxy in the mind of God; however, the proliferation of schisms, disagreements, and divisions throughout church history points to the fact that we as sinful and fallible humans are imperfect at agreeing precisely on that orthodoxy.
Earlier this year, Time magazine published an explosive cover story about the dangers that the proliferation of pornography poses to society.
She is lying and holding up a few churches and saying many there are no proliferation of churches flocking to approve gay marriage and in fact are running the other way like when the Pres made health care mandatory and churches are being forced to provided birth control but are now fighting it in court.
Unified mission funding was designed to bring order to the proliferation of mission agencies with independent fund - raising appeals and to express the conviction that, while it takes various forms in different settings, there is one mission.
The process of draining logic and meaning from everything came to full fruition in the 1960s and 1970s, when it began to be felt profoundly in the daily lives of many Americans, with such things as the proliferation of «alternative lifestyles,» the diluting or jettisoning of academic standards at every level, the increasing inability of the legal system to make in practice sufficient or consistent distinctions between victim and victimizer — among many others too familiar to all of us to need spelling out.
Assuming that disabled people will always be among us, that the proliferation of genetic testing will strengthen the perception that the prevention of disability is a matter of responsible reproductive behavior, and that society is therefore entitled to hold people personally responsible for having a disabled child, it is not unlikely that political support for the provision of their special needs will erode.
Even with the steady proliferation of various kinds of public assistance, services, and institutional care, families are still the major means though which society deals with persons who are not independent: the young, the aged, the sick, the severely disabled, and the needy.
Now, thanks to the internet and the proliferation of books from diverse perspectives, all of us are able to access the blessing of much greater diversity in the form of dozens of ethnic, cultural and gender perspectives to help us explore the vastness of the Incarnation.
Its ultimate objective, however, goes beyond the proliferation of specialized services to the improvement and ultimate change of the community climate which produces the problems.
• «How can we quickly and progressively harmonise the proliferation of particular branches of study with the necessity of forming a synthesis of them, and of preserving among men the faculties of contemplation and observation which lead to wisdom?»
This assumption seems to have paid off in some ways, in the proliferation of time saving technology and the rising standard of living in the West.
We stand at the end of a long era whose most conspicuous feature has been the proliferation of schisms.
I preached about the proliferation of violence which is at the root of more than just gun crimes.
Does the proliferation of crucifixion scenes habituate us to violence?
Into such a world has come in recent years a proliferation of college guides» aiming to tell would - be students and their parents what they need to know about the choices before them.
With the proliferation of Internet e-books and c - journals, publishers are developing e-strategies to preserve their role in authenticating scholarly work.
America's «War on Drugs» first came to being in the»70s as a way to fight the proliferation of drugs.
The result of separatism and separation has been the proliferation of Paul - ist, Cephas - ite, Apollo - nian denominations that in their prosperity (contrast Europe's dying establishment churches) suggest the values of capitalist competitive models for church life — even if they seem to contradict the drive toward Christian unity.
«70 Acting on this belief, Wallis led his Sojourners community in over forty public actions during the first six months of 1977, protesting such issues as the use of torture, the proliferation of nuclear armaments, and the government's repressive housing policies.
Try as they might, the proponents of a sorry belief system that for so long held the world back are going to find that the proliferation of information and knowledge in this age will see their bigoted views reduced to the margins of history.
While it may be impossible to prove that a particular pornographic image or text has actually caused a rape, the proliferation of such images certainly helps create a climate in which rape gains a certain level of acceptability.
It is also, in part, due to a proliferation of spiritual leaders within any given tribal clan or Native community.
The appearance of the Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry agreement of the World Council of Churches» Faith and Order Commission, the theological consensus statement of the Consultation on Church Union (COCU), and the proliferation of local ecumenical efforts in countless places offer new possibilities for effective unity.
Liberal and conservative churches have sought to reverse the proliferation of explicit and degrading depictions of human sexuality.
Virtually all experts agree that this rapid increase will most certainly outdistance most societies» abilities to cope with it, and they anticipate a proliferation of problems, especially in the poorer countries.
the proliferation of guns is a self - fueling disease (not unlike cancer).
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in an exhaustive and exemplary report on the subject in June 1988 («Pornography: Far from «The Song of Songs»»), condemned the proliferation of sexually explicit materials that demean men and women.
The program is the result of a ten - year study of the rapid proliferation of part - time instructors in college, university, and seminary classrooms.
The current mushrooming of churches and proliferation of Evangelicalism and Pentecostal spiritualities are not healthy phenomena but the results of desperation, disasters, hunger, disease and ignorance.
The bewildering proliferation of theologies in the last quarter of the 20th century contrasts sharply with the blends of liberal, existential and neo-orthodox theologies outlined by H. R. Mackintosh in his Types of Modern Theology in the second quarter of this century.
Since the 1970s, however, the field has witnessed a proliferation of different approaches to the Bible.
The proliferation of character disorders in our society underlines the imperative nature of this function.
But a proliferation of Web sites does not prove an expanded audience, and even by the most generous assessment of their influence, they lag far, far behind the Left Behind juggernaut.
Pope Francis on Friday denounced the proliferation of adult and child pornography on the internet and demanded better protections for children online.
The proliferation of bloody episodes might recall the line from Kafka's «In the Penal Colony,» when the officer describes the blueprint of the killing machine: «It's no calligraphy for school children.
The proliferation of religion or religious denomination is brought about the discontent on all religion or religious denimination because it is being run by humans capable of sins.
7, the proliferation of small groups in churches all over this country and in many other parts of the world shows that this exciting development is already well along.
Historically, Muslims if they can not tear it down will just convert it, whatever works, the end result is proliferation of their ideology at the expense of non-believers.
They both argue that the world is heading for chaos as a result of the breakup of nation states; the intensification of tribal, ethnic and religious loyalties; the spread of international terrorism; and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Many biologists, intent upon scientific objectivity, are reluctant to see in the development of terrestrial life anything more than an unlimited proliferation of forms, all on the same level.
On the contrary, the proliferation of choice is not something we choose, but is imposed on us and inculcated in us.
I'm only scratching the surface as the whole of life has many many factors that were obviously engineered into living things to allow the proliferation of life and diversity.
White predicted with chilling accuracy the way the proliferation of information via television can diminish our lives rather than enrich them.
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