Sentences with phrase «prominent conservatives»

The phrase "prominent conservatives" refers to well-known or influential individuals who hold conservative beliefs and values. These individuals are often recognized for their strong support and advocacy for conservative principles and ideas. Full definition
One of the most prominent conservative think tanks in the country issued a public warning against reducing the interest rates on student loans.
A number of prominent Conservative MPs on Theresa May's Cabinet, including Liam Fox and David Davis, have been vocal proponents of grammar schools, and Education Secretary Justine Greening has said that the government should be «open minded» to the idea of new grammar schools as the education landscape has changed over the last few years.
The letter to Rudd, which has been signed by prominent Conservative MPs including Michael Fabricant and Zac Goldsmith as well as the shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, said the protesters» intention was not to change the law but to intimidate.
Ahead of what may be a knife - edge Commons vote on Wednesday, Crouch is leading a group of prominent Conservatives who will side with Labour to maintain the law in its current form.
Outspoken right - winger, one - time I'm a Celebrity jungle dweller, Tory - UKIP dallier and Cameron critic, Nadine Dorries is one of the most prominent Conservative backbenchers in the public eye.
More than 113 MPs have also signed a letter, coordinated by Huq, supporting the proposals, including Corbyn and the shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, as well as prominent Conservative MPs including Michael Fabricant and Zac Goldsmith.
Prior to Owens» win, Doug Hoffman's candidacy, which was supported by prominent conservatives including former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, exposed a growing rift in the Republican party between conservatives represented by Hoffman and moderates represented by New York Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava.
The article mentioned several prominent conservative Christians - including Focus on the Family founder James Dobson and the Rev. Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham - who questioned Obama's faith.
Hogg has emerged as a frequent target for prominent conservatives since the shooting, who have criticized him for his gun - control activism.
Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg will meet this week with prominent conservatives in the media, a spokesman said on Sunday, to address allegations of political bias at the popular social networking site.
While most political parties conduct formal and open interviews, the Conservatives discarded this practice and simply handed the endorsement to Finn, who employs several prominent Conservative Party members in town government.
Lorigo, Republican Assemblyman David DiPietro and prominent conservative commentator and author David Bellavia serve as trustees for the effort.
Trump's transition effort added an array of new vice chairs, staff and executive committee members, including a number of prominent conservative women and upstate Rep. Tom Reed.
Here he takes two prominent conservative public intellectuals — Peter Wehner and Arthur Brooks — to the woodshed for the unfortunate lacunae in their new book, Wealth and Justice: The Morality of Democratic Capitalism.
What I see is: Prominent conservative disagrees with religious figure.
«It was organized,» Scozzafava told the Post about the attacks against her by Palin, other prominent conservative figures, and conservative advocacy groups.
Prominent conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation and the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which question climate science and have received Koch and other industry money, said they couldn't comment on the race because their tax status prevents them from endorsing or opposing candidates.
This may seem kind of surprising, given the support of prominent conservatives like Jeb Bush and Tony Bennett.
Prominent conservative health care thinkers like Avik Roy, who advised Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign, also weren't particularly impressed with the legislation.
When the whole «don't ask, don't tell» (DADT) policy over openly gay soldiers in the military came up, a number of prominent conservatives endorsed the Obama Administration's effort to repeal it, and any injection of Christian morals into the debate was considered outdated, if not much worse.
Prominent conservative exposes blatant hypocrisy among right wing.
In addition to criticizing Bloomberg, progressive religious leaders are also taking aim at prominent conservatives who've blasted Bloomberg in recent days, alleging that those critics are stoking division at a time that calls for national unity.
Numerous prominent conservatives immediately denounced him for trampling on America's best traditions of religious tolerance.
I rather suspect this is due to the leading role that prominent Conservative supporters have within the campaign and a certain complacency (or cultural hostility) to engaging with the Labour vote.
Palin, along with prominent conservatives Tim Pawlenty, Fred Thompson and Dick Armey, backed Hoffman last month over then - Republican nominee, Dede Scozzafava, who dropped out the weekend before Election Day.
Susan Kadish, the wife of prominent conservative Lawrence Kadish, gave $ 100,000 to the Republicans between 2003 and 2006, and has given nothing to Astorino, the G.O.P., Cuomo or the Democrats since then.
(CNN)- Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney Wednesday unveiled a slew of endorsements of prominent conservative candidates running in national and statewide races in three states.
A soldier of the American Fifth Army as it swept northward along the west coast of Italy in the concluding days of World War II was riding a liberated In a National Review symposium, prominent conservatives write against Donald Trump and his presidential campaign
According to the New York Times, Wal - Mart «has discovered a reliable ally: prominent conservative research groups like the American Enterprise Institute...»
A second prominent conservative close to him said: «I never saw Dick Larry do anything like this before.
One of the most prominent conservative law bloggers who opposed Miers» nomination was Stephen Bainbridge.
Prominent Conservative backbenchers opposed to this ill - advised plan include Dominic Grieve, the former Attorney General, and former justice secretary Kenneth Clarke.
Hogg has emerged as a frequent target for prominent conservatives, who have criticized him over his gun - control activism and expletive - ridden insults directed at Republicans and gun - rights advocates.
This is the price that has been paid for the potential support of Michael Heseltine, Kenneth Clarke and other prominent conservatives who were reluctant to criticise their own party until the election was over.
Although Margaret Thatcher was the first world leader to warn about the threat of global warming, and although David Cameron famously highlighted the issue too, other prominent Conservatives including Nigel Lawson and Peter Lilley have been outspoken in their opposition to the mainstream agenda on climate change.
Here he takes two prominent conservative public intellectuals — Peter Wehner and Arthur Brooks — to the woodshed for the....
However, roughly half of Conservative MPs, 5 government ministers, and the former Mayor of London and prominent Conservative figure, Boris Johnson, all support the Leave campaign.
Donald Trump's transition effort added an array of new vice chairs, staff and executive committee members, including a number of prominent conservative women.
Prominent Conservative MPs began to express public criticism of Lord Justice Leveson over the weekend after reports emerged of an attempt to gag Michael Gove for his criticism of the inquiry.
A number of prominent Conservative MPs, including the chairman of the 1922 committee, Graham Brady, are expecting Greening to review the plans which will see schools in their constituencies are thousands of pounds worse off every year.
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