Sentences with phrase «promising change»

In his annual report, he called the province to the mat for not following up on promised changes in a variety of sectors.
We were promised change at the end of last season.
We've also had a governor who promised change.
Some schools have exciting new leaders, working hard to implement promising changes to unlock student potential and more effectively support teachers.
There are other promising changes in the global system.
The future promises changes in eLearning, for instructors and content developers as well as students, in delivery, learning, and content.
While there are promising changes occurring in mathematics instruction, we still need to help both teachers and students develop a more conceptual understanding of mathematics.
Based on information you provide and the specifics of your situation, we'll jointly craft a targeted and promising change strategy.
Pilot studies report promising changes in social behavior and control of motor performance in children with ADHD.
That is why there are so many «quick fix» diets on the market today and exercise programs that promise change in just two or three weeks.
Max Steel may promise a change of pace from all the Marvel and DC adaptations, but it's subpar to both those shared universes on every level, telling an origin story that brings little new to the table and a cast that deserves far better.
John Kaehny, executive director of Reinvent Albany, said he has faith that the Assembly will make good on promised changes in a timely fashion.
Unless Mr Radcliffe's alter ego, the wizard known as Harry Potter knows something that I don't, this may be the last we hear of this particular «celebrity», a bit like the Esther Rantzens who promise change for the better but who probably can't change a thing.
This seems to work for politicians promising change through a right - wing agenda, such as Donald Trump, as well as a left - wing agenda, such as Bernie Sanders.
Manager Steve Bruce promised changes after two poor performances against Fulham and Preston with Glenn Whelan, Ahmed Elmohammady and Lewis Grabban all starting.
-LSB-...] Steve Bruce promised changes after two poor performances against Fulham and Preston with Glenn Whelan, Ahmed Elmohammady and Lewis Grabban all -LSB-...]
Though set during the Bush administration's dying hours, referencing the recession rescue plan, Killing Them Softly is book - ended by Obama's speeches promising change.
Although the Camaro may appear to be a blast from the past, it actually embodies many of GM's most promising changes.
Cameron then offered Corbyn some unsolicited advice, pointing out that he had won the Tory leadership election in 2005 as the outsider candidate promising change.
He says promised changes to how the NHS provides weekend and out of hours care «will be an ideal opportunity to evaluate their impact on the weekend effect.»
Like Cameron, Miliband sounded like a lover pleading for his partner not to leave, telling an audience of Labour supporters near Glasgow that he supported Scotland with «head, heart and soul,» and promising change if the union stuck together.
Does noone ever wonder why these politicians who constantly promise change can never deliver??
When Valverde promised changes on Monday, no one expected so many.
From Frank's progressive perspective, Barack is the Nowhere man who campaigned promising change, while governing as a reactionary, status quo centrist politician.
The White Paper promises a change in the direction of travel in migration policy for an independent Scotland.
May promises a change will come, that the Tories are the party of the workers and sensible intervention.
Government insists it's inappropriate to promise change until detention review has been finalised.
The link between the Lib Dems» victory in Ribble Valley and the abolition of the poll tax is not a straight line - after all, John Major had already promised change - but it is widely viewed as one of the key catalysts for the abrupt about - face.
David Cameron promised change but has failed to make things better.
Meanwhile, Mayor Bill de Blasio promised changes to the way police handle marijuana arrests.
Speaking at the James Monroe Senior Center in The Bronx Tuesday afternoon, video Quinn's campaign posted to Twitter shows the speaker promising changes to public housing facilities.
Mr Clegg promised these changes would make it impossible for any government to force a dissolution for its own purposes.
The confrontation stems from a project labor agreement Related signed with the BCTC when it began construction on the first phase of the $ 25 billion project, which promised changes to work rules and cost savings in return for the project being built all - union.
Senate Republicans came to office promising change but unfortunately delivered more of their same old Albany.»
This public interest in sustainability is spurring promising change, as Australia's greenhouse gas emissions per person continue to steadily decrease.
Todd McFarlane promises changes to Spawn for his new movie.
There's no shortage of bad news in education these days, nor any dearth of stasis, but at least education reform is a lively, forward - looking enterprise that gets positive juices flowing in many people and that is leading to promising changes across many parts of the K — 12 system.
But unless they plan for the inevitable obstructions that can arise in each of the four areas, promising change efforts may flounder.
President Trump promised changes in Washington upon his election.
Game Freak promised this change when they announced X and Y wanting us to see a difference.
Following a recent survey, the first of many planned for Inquisitor — Martyr players, the developer responded in a post on the game's website promising changes to weapon balancing and general difficulty.
Light from the Middle East New photographs of the Middle East, by people who live and work there, promise a changed perspective.
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