Sentences with phrase «promising research focuses»

The most promising research focuses on understanding the role of another compound — nitric oxide.

Not exact matches

«We are disinterested in short - term results and thus have the luxury of focusing our research and purchases on the much less competitive universe of stocks that have less promise of near - term appreciation, but that have exciting longer - term potential.
I promise I do have other new recipes waiting in the wings... I have just been busy with my coaching work and researching content for a new book I'm writing focussing on «creativity» that I haven't had as much kitchen time for cooking and photography.
Despite this promise, very little research or intervention efforts have focused on sports settings compared with research in other settings such as school and after - school programs.
He focused on Taub's testimony, and the way a non-prosecution agreement he signed was edited from an early draft to remove a promise that Taub would testify the referrals were «in exchange for» the research grants.
House Minority Leader John Boehner said Obama and Congress should instead focus on non-embryonic stem cell research, and that this decision «runs counter to President Obama's promise to be a president for all Americans.»
Though this research focused on the form of the disease called Leber congenital amaurosis 2, or LCA2, the scientists and engineers involved in the study believe the technology holds promise for other forms of LCA as well as other inherited diseases that lead to severe vision loss or blindness.
Biotech and pharma are focusing more on products and less on the most promising research, say some experts, requiring industry - bound scientists to adapt.
Greeley, chair of the NASA Astrobiology Institute's Europa Focus Group, sees promise in using the discoveries of polar research to understand the chemistry, physics, and biology that may exist on Europa.
The fact that only just over a third of men and women reporting a problem meeting all three criteria had sought professional help in the last year, suggests that a huge number of people experiencing dysfunction are not receiving help — around 1.2 million in the UK and 5.8 million in the U.S. Overall, this study helps demonstrate how the DSM - 5 diagnostic criteria impose a focus on clinically significant symptoms, posing promising applications in both clinical and research contexts.
They would «support cross-disciplinary research and development focused on the barriers to transforming energy technologies into commercially deployable materials, devices, and systems [and] advance highly promising areas of energy science and technology from their early stages of research to the point that the risk level will be low enough for industry to deploy them into the marketplace.»
It is the focus of an intensive research effort that looks very promising
Compared to academic research, private labs need to commercialise research results as rapidly as possible; therefore, research is focused on promising tracks for commercialisation.»
«Humans have used silkworm silks widely for thousands of years, but recently research has focussed on spider silk, as it has promising mechanical properties.
In 2012, the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital — Washington University Pediatric Cancer Genome Project highlighted DDX3X as a promising focus for efforts to develop targeted therapies against medulloblastoma.
«Future research will focus on optimizing the candidate therapies discovered by our team in this study as well as developing biomarkers that can be used to test the efficacy of other potentially promising drugs,» says Dr. Rothstein
Notably, the budget promises «a major reorganization of NIH's Institutes and Centers to help focus resources on the highest priority research and training activities,» including elimination of the Fogarty International Center, which specializes in international research programs, and consolidation of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) within NIH, among other unspecified research and training activities,» including elimination of the Fogarty International Center, which specializes in international research programs, and consolidation of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) within NIH, among other unspecified research programs, and consolidation of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) within NIH, among other unspecified Research and Quality (AHRQ) within NIH, among other unspecified changes.
A Promising Future Since the beginning of his career, Studer has focused on major challenges in the field of stem cell research and tried to address bottlenecks.
While the vast majority of research in this field is focused on developing stem cell, gene and tissue engineering therapies, these approaches have not yet delivered on their promise despite nearly two decades of research.
Professor Pugno said: «Humans have used silkworm silks widely for thousands of years, but recently research has focussed on spider silk, as it has extremely promising mechanical properties.
Research into immunotherapy, which cancer experts are calling the most promising approach in decades, got a boost Tuesday when Michael Bloomberg and other philanthropists announced $ 125 million in donations to Johns Hopkins University for a new institute focused solely on the therapy and accelerated breakthroughs for patients.
Much of the research to be presented is focused on immunotherapy, which is seen as the most promising advance in cancer treatment in decades.
My research focuses on promising new treatment options for people with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
One of the most promising fields of early stage cancer research, still only undertaken by a few scientific groups, is focused on interfering in telomere lengthening.
«Focused research that can identify both the promise and the perils of such evidence is essential.»
Within JCAP, Dr. Haber's research focus surrounds the application of high - throughput methods to integrate promising lead materials into functional assemblies, such as integration of electrocatalyst libraries with light absorbers to produce functional photoanode and photocathode assemblies.
The gift allowed Memorial Sloan Kettering to establish a state - of - the - art collaborative research center focused on immune - system - based therapy, an approach showing great promise in the treatment of cancer and several other diseases.
Normally research focuses on and isolates one promising aspect of a food, but turmeric contains dozens of compounds (in addition to curcumin) that work synergistically.
Director David Cronenberg (Eastern Promises) and screenwriter Christopher Hampton (Dangerous Liaisons) have done intelligent work in the past and will likely respect the integrity of the Spielrein story, even as they focus on those aspects of Kerr \'s pathfinding research that lend themselves to dramatization.
Until more is known, we have to rely on research pertaining to mindfulness used with children in general, which has shown promising results, including improved memory and focus, reduced stress, and better relationships (Khoury, Sharma, Rush & Fournier, 2015).
While research on SEL programs generally focuses on behavioral, social - emotional, cognitive, and academic outcomes, a few studies demonstrate promising economic benefits.
The China Lab at the Harvard Graduate School of Education has received a donation pledge of $ 100,000 to fund a research project focused on reducing academic stress in the Chinese school system, and the first installment of this promise is already «in hand,» according to those involved in the project.
Focusing on these initial Factors, the LPS researcher uses the Digital Promise Research Map and other research databases (e.g. Google Scholar, ERIC) to find journals and studies that examine the relationship between one or more Factors and student outcomes in the content area (e.g. the relationship between working memory and K - 3 RResearch Map and other research databases (e.g. Google Scholar, ERIC) to find journals and studies that examine the relationship between one or more Factors and student outcomes in the content area (e.g. the relationship between working memory and K - 3 Rresearch databases (e.g. Google Scholar, ERIC) to find journals and studies that examine the relationship between one or more Factors and student outcomes in the content area (e.g. the relationship between working memory and K - 3 Reading).
Take, for example, the following declaration: «a large and growing body of state and local implementation studies, academic research, teacher surveys, and interviews with dozens of policymakers, experts, and educators all reveal a much more promising picture: The reforms have strengthened many school districts» focus on instructional quality, created a foundation for making teaching a more attractive profession, and improved the prospects for student achievement» (p. 1).
This white paper summarizes the proceedings of a summit that was focused on integrating research knowledge on promising approaches into intensive intervention and implementation to improve academic outcomes for students with disabilities who have severe and persistent learning need.
Since 2012, the Agency by Design research project has focused on the promises, practices, and pedagogies of maker - centered learning.
Based upon our research, our reading of the literature, and our own practice as teachers and teacher educators, we have focused our attention on pedagogy as the most promising starting point for considering technology use in social studies.
This digest summarizes relevant research and promising practices in the strategic processing of text, focusing first on the strategic processing of narrative and then expository text.
The focus of the program was to (quote) identify highly promising young investigators who are underfunded at present, and to fund them to do research that could be then used to argue that the scientific evidence was uncertain.
Promising results with these treatments is focusing attention on the molecular mechanisms underlying tumour growth, which is changing the way research is conducted.
Behavior therapy is considered probably efficacious for childhood depression, and a number of other experimental interventions show promise but require further evaluation.12 Currently, only 2 research groups have focused on psychosocial interventions for childhood bipolar disorder.13 - 15 Hence, increased attention to creation and testing of treatments specifically targeting depression and bipolar disorder in children is needed.16 In particular, studies should focus on children's developmental needs, address comorbidity, involve family members in treatment, demonstrate treatment gains as rated by parents and clinicians rather than children themselves, and compare experimental interventions with standard care or treatment as usual (TAU) rather than no - treatment or attention control groups.12, 17,18 In addition, parental psychopathology may affect treatment adherence and response.
This measure shows promise as a tool for research and evaluation of a wide array of mentoring programs due to its brevity, demonstrated psychometrics, and straightforward focus on the mentoring relationship.
PMT interventions with preadolescent (including those age five years and younger) children have been the focus of the largest and most sophisticated body of intervention research with children with conduct problems, and present the most promising results.
The Frank Porter Graham research has enabled state administrators to identify promising practices to improve quality, such as focusing professional development on high - quality teacher - child interactions.
Recent research findings suggest that a focus on reducing atypical caregiver behaviours might be a promising direction to reduce disorganized child - caregiver attachment.
1995 — Building Relationships: Families and Professionals as Partners 1996 — A Promising Future 1997 — Fostering the Well Being of Families 1998 — Trauma: A Multi-Dimensional View 1999 — Coming Together for Children and Families: Developing Comprehensive Systems of Care 2000 — The Neurobiology of Child Development: Bridging the Gap Between Theory Research and Practice 2001 — Processing Trauma and Terrorism 2002 — The Road Less Traveled: Adoptive Families in the New Millennium 2003 — A Better Beginning: Parents with Mental Illness and their Young Children 2004 — Approaches That Work: Multi-Stressed Families and their Young Children 2005 — The Screening and Assessing of the Social Emotional Concerns 2006 — Supporting Young Children through Separation and Loss 2007 — Social Emotional Development: Promising Practices, Research and Policy 2008 — Attachment: Connecting for Life 2009 — Evidenced - based Practices for Working with Young Children and Families 2010 - Eat Sleep and Be Merry: Regulation Concerns in Young Children 2011 - Climbing the Ladder Toward Competency in Young Children's Mental Health 2012 - Focusing on Fatherhood 2013 - Trauma in Early Childhood: Assessment, Intervention and Supporting Families
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