Sentences with phrase «promote widespread support»

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Dr. Carl Hays, a Burlington, Iowa, obstetrician and a member of what GFI calls its «medical advisory board,» concedes that PDF does not have widespread medical support, but says that he promotes it anyway.
Sustaining our democratic values and improving our education system call for a host of more coordinated and widespread education, economic, and housing policies — including policies to raise curricular standards, tackle insufficient funding for schools with a large share of low - income students, promote access to education resources from early childhood to college, improve dual language programs, provide economic support for families, and create more integrated schools and neighborhoods.
The purpose of sections 183 through 189 of this subtitle is to promote the domestic development and deployment of clean energy technologies required for the 21st century through the establishment of a self - sustaining Clean Energy Deployment Administration that will provide for an attractive investment environment through partnership with and support of the private capital market in order to promote access to affordable financing for accelerated and widespread deployment of --
The purpose of this subtitle is to promote the domestic development and deployment of clean energy technologies required for the 21st century through the improvement of existing programs and the establishment of a self - sustaining Clean Energy Deployment Administration that will provide for an attractive investment environment through partnership with and support of the private capital market in order to promote access to affordable financing for accelerated and widespread deployment of --
The association — which mostly exists to promote Bitcoin in Hong Kong — states that «the proponents of the hardfork should kindly ask the Bitcoin community to support them and then only proceed with the hardfork if there is widespread community support
Developed widespread connections with other agencies to promote projects supporting organizational mission.
The vision of PROSPER is to support community partnerships that sustain the most effective programs for promoting positive youth development and strong families, and to facilitate translation of prevention science into widespread community practice.
Elias and colleagues present five main characteristics that contexts must have: (1) a school climate that articulates specific themes and values such as respect, responsibility and honesty, and conveys an overall sense of purpose for attending school; (2) explicit instruction and practice in skills for participatory competence; (3) developmentally appropriate instruction so as to promote health and prevent specific problems; (4) services that enhance students» coping skills and provide social support; and 5) widespread, systematic opportunities for positive contributory service (Elias et al., 2015, p. 35).
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