Sentences with phrase «promoting islamophobia»

Facebook has helped give greater legitimacy to controversial organizations like ACT for America, a self - described national security grassroots advocacy group that has been accused of promoting Islamophobia, according to Beirich.
Stephen Harper's so - called Anti-Terrorism legislation is not only an attack on everyone's democratic rights but also criminalizes Aboriginal activism and promotes Islamophobia, all in the name of security and freedom.

Not exact matches

NewsBusters: CNN Promotes Liberal Minister Who Hates Evangelical «Islamophobia» - But Not «The DaVinci Code»?
As a recent and unfortunate example, we recently observed a number of lawyers, i.e. the five Conservative federal MPs who are lawyers in Ontario, along with Liberal MP Gagan Sikand, fail in their duty to promote equality, diversity and inclusiveness in their public life by voting against or abstaining from voting in favour of M - 103, a a non-binding parliamentary motion condemning Islamophobia and religious discrimination, thereby undermining public trust and confidence in the legal profession.
Breitbart officials have disputed charges that their content promotes racism or Islamophobia.
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