Sentences with phrase «prone areas of my face»

Not exact matches

If you are struggling with spots in just one specific area of your face I would actually recommend to use 2 different type of moisturisers (i know, twice expensive) a lighter consistency one for the spot prone area and another for the rest of your face.
«After we received their letter, the amphibious excavator team of the ministry was deployed to the neighbourhood to address the challenges they are facing because the area is prone to flooding.
Children living on the streets, in disaster - prone or violence - torn areas, or in other difficult circumstances are constantly aware of the dangers they face.
Faced with the dilemma of walking your small dog in an area prone to coyote attacks or even where she may be bullied by a larger dog?
For example, ticks are more commonly found on dogs than cats; dogs are more prone to FAD; a cat's display of discomfort from fleas and ticks can be similar to that of normal grooming habits; fleas and ticks are often found on a cat's face neck and back while on the rear, thighs and abdominal area of dogs.
Sheets of plastic, newspaper, or sandpaper, electronic mats that deliver harmless, mild shocks, or a carpet runner with the nubs facing up can be used to discourage your cat from entering a soil - prone area.
Settlements on unstable slopes or landslide prone - areas, common in some parts of Asia, face increased likelihood of rainfall - induced landslides.
Future energy projects located in storm prone areas will face increased capital costs of hardening their assets due to both legislative and insurance pressures.
This guidance document presents the vulnerabilities of women in flood, cyclone, and drought prone areas in the face of climate change.
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