Sentences with phrase «pronoun use»

Take a look at these examples of possessive adjectives immediately followed by possessive pronouns used in a similar sense.
Bear in mind that the bill does not in any way affect the rules of a university, so even if it were cited, that would not be an argument for (or against) the bill's being an attempt to legislate pronoun use which is what this question is about.
There is evidence that enforcement of this bill may result in some legislation of pronoun use.
You will notice that there are no personal pronouns used in the summary statement.
Also, if the designation LORD God (Jehovah Elohim) is a reference to two individuals, why are singular pronouns used in Deuteronomy 6:13?
(Please excuse the male pronoun I used for simplicity.
Worksheet explaining possessive pronouns using favourite things.
It's like pronoun use — he, she, it — one assumes people can figure out the referent.
Language about trans issues or transitioning employees can feel like a minefield, especially but not limited to respectful pronoun use.
There is no factual basis for the claim that incorrect pronoun use will lead to negative consequences.
(2) The language of the bill could have been narrow enough to not include pronoun use.
I am only asking whether this specific bill is actually offering any legal grounds on which such pronoun use could be prosecuted.
In one study, Pennebaker and a colleague used the software to compare pronoun use by two groups of poets: those who had killed themselves and those who had not.
The researchers also found that not only were positive emotion words positively associated with marital quality, but negative pronoun use was associated with a negative marital quality.
Published in the journal Personal Relationships, «Everyday Emotion Word and Personal Pronoun Use Reflects Dyadic Adjustment Among Couples Coping with Breast Cancer,» Robbins and graduate students Alex Karan and Robert Wright analyzed 52 couples coping with breast cancer.
This seems particularly relevant in light of our recent article on pronoun use in relationships.
That some random university official may have quoted the bill to support their views does not mean the bill itself had any text that was a direct attempt to legislate pronoun use.
Your date's word choice, punctuation, even the frequency of pronouns used could offer valuable insights into his or her personality, according to James Pennebaker, a psychologist at University Texas at Austin and author of The Secret Life of Pronouns: What Our Words Say About Us.
Whenever in the Qur» an Allah is mentioned in the third person there are always singular pronouns used, such as He, him (Huwa or Hu).
«Personal pronoun use can tell us who the individual is focusing on, and how he or she construes themselves within the relationship,» Robbins said.
Something as simple as the pronouns you use matters.
With sexual difference erased from all policy and practice at Nova, I had to face the prospect of my children sharing locker rooms with the opposite sex, learning bogus theories in science class about gender existing on a spectrum, and being punished for violations of «preferred» pronoun use.
«He» and «she» are pronouns we use to refer to a biological entity of a particular sex.
â $ œHeâ $ and â $ œsheâ $ are pronouns we use to refer to a biological entity of a particular sex.
Given the implications of the feminists» attack on nouns, replacing third - person masculine pronouns with their feminine counterparts seems only to point to the final inadequacy of any pronouns used in referring to deity.
When available, individuals» genders were determined by the pronouns used in administration press releases.
It is very specifically asking whether the bill itself can be construed as an attempt to legislate pronoun use.
According to the Canadian Bar Association, the pronoun use debate is a «misunderstanding», but they also say:
Yes, but how does that make an argument for whether or not the bill itself was an attempt to legislate pronoun use?
The study also found that the pronoun we use to talk to ourselves matters.
«For transgender youth, the most important microaffirmation is being called the name and pronoun you use.
This powerpoint lesson reviews common nouns, proper nouns, and pronouns using a Valentine's Day theme and eye - catching animated graphics.
This powerpoint lesson reviews common nouns, proper nouns, and pronouns using a fun Valentine's Day theme.
Discuss how language, down to the pronouns we use, affects the way we interact with people different from ourselves.
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