Sentences with phrase «pronounced zee» (pronounced zee · com · ics) is a new site that offers a curated list of cartoonists with selected digital offerings, all available to read for free — but you are also encouraged to make a donation.

Not exact matches

Nsimba (pronounced, sim - bah) has had the luxury of playing with his twin brother Nzuzi (pronounced, zoo - zee) his entire life.
How to pronounce Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Chim - muh - MAHN - duh en - GOH - zee ah - DEECH - ee -(ay) The «ay» is soft, not quite a diphthong.
«It's pronounced KROO - zee
Ewoud de Groot (pronounced AY - VUDE) lives and works in Egmond aan Zee, a coastal village in the Northern Netherlands.
Also would it be pronounced Zed Q or Zee Q?
In the United States, the name for the letter Z is pronounced like «zee», but in the rest of the English speaking world it is pronounced like «zed».
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z