Sentences with phrase «propaganda coup»

The phrase "propaganda coup" refers to a successful manipulation or control of information by a particular group or government to shape public opinion in their favor. It suggests that they have effectively used propaganda to gain an advantage or persuade people to support their ideas or actions. Full definition
Ministers proposed waves of authoritarian measures, including incursions on free speech, control orders, ID cards and extensions to detention without charge that one former chief constable labelled a «propaganda coup for Al - Qaeda».
However, once you get away from the rhetoric, sky scrapers and vanity projects, the reality is that the Qatari government is one of the last that should be offered the high profile propaganda coup of a state visit to the UK.
With the issue of Britain adopting the euro on the cards, Labour would have a huge propaganda coup by placing in every newspaper in the country photos of Clarke sitting beside Blair and Ashdown advocating giving up our own currency!
He becomes obsessed with his pursuit of the truth and if and how the IRA might have managed to procure the biggest propaganda coup of all time.
Muslim and anti-fascist groups questioned the prime minister's judgment and sensitivity to the issues, saying he had handed a propaganda coup to the hard - right English Defence League as 3,000 of its supporters marched through Luton chanting anti-Islamic slogans.
After all, it is a bit of a propaganda coup for the OPT to have got Attenborough — arguably the queen mother of British broadcasting, and much easier on the ears and eyes than the hectoring likes of Porrit, Tickell, and Erlich.
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