Sentences with phrase «proper examination»

If you notice any of these signs of a skin condition in your dog, then you should take your dog to the vet for proper examination.
There's nothing worse than getting involved in something without proper examination or understanding and not being successful as a result.
Without proper examination and diagnostics, dental disease will be missed and go untreated.
Our Pet Doc can't give out advice on medicating animals without proper examination of the animal.
I often become distracted learning all the scientific and clinical intricacies of veterinary medicine that I realize I may be neglecting proper examination of my own well - being, empathy development, and compassion fatigue.
Lawyers are trained to perform legal research, identify useful precedents, prepare for and conduct proper examination - in - chief and cross-examination, and then craft legal arguments.
Making proper examination of the information gathered and exercising it to make accurate decisions related to accounting
Thus, a proper examination is a part of the learning process and not merely a formal testing of what it has accomplished to date.
So while this gives them a chance to build up momentum and confidence, it does also push back the proper examination a little.
«I have very real concerns about the way the government - owned company was imposed on all of us by the direct rule ministers without any proper examination of all the alternatives.»
Is there really no room for a proper examination of the alternative view to theirs?
I can not promise that I will go to those specific areas, but I reassure the hon. Gentleman and the whole House that the eco-towns programme, as my right hon. Friend the Minister for Housing has said, is subject to intense scrutiny and proper examination.
If you currently have dental amalgam fillings, consider seeing a specialist for the proper examination and removal of toxic compounds.
The nation's highest court said the case must be sent back to the lower courts for a proper examination of at least four factual or legal changes that...
Dispensing medications to your pet with out a proper examination and sometimes necessary testing can prove to be fatal to the animal.
If you suspect the fishy smell coming from your dog's mouth is caused by this disorder, you need to book an appointment with your vet for a proper examination, which will include X-rays.
It is not until a proper examination by a veterinarian is performed that severe dental disease is noted.It is much easier and less expensive to prevent dental disease by providing proper care than to treat advanced periodontal disease.
Without anesthesia, proper examination, measurements, and dental x-rays can not be taken.
Now you can determine the proper examination terms and conditions in Washington State.
This has been either from a failure to carry out a proper examination or from failing to diagnose the tear on any radiological investigations.
After making sure there is no medical emergency, do a proper examination of the car and the damage to it.
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