Sentences with phrase «proper fashion»

We are still awaiting an ecclesiastical Julia Child who can set the Lord's table in proper fashion and with a eucharistic «Bon appétit» invite God's hungry people to come and be filled.
In fact, insurers will often pay a premium to established contractors they know can get repairs done in a timely and proper fashion because they don't want to deal with blowback: You are already an «aggrieved party» because of the actions of their insured, so if anything were ever litigated it would not go well for them.
CHARLESTON, Ill. - A year after shedding tears of sorrow over a teammate's injury and several tough losses, the T.F. South girls badminton celebrated a team state title in proper fashion.
But this Instagram upload from Javier Mascherano shows that the squad did actually mark the victory in the proper fashion — by celebrating with a meal, together as a squad.
«They're going about it in a proper fashion,» he says.
Plus, with a toddler, I don't have the time or interest to do the amount of shopping required for a proper fashion blog.
Kawakubo is a designer who can really change the way we dress day by day, and it would be interesting to see her get back to proper fashion - making.
Can't we just give it to «Moonlight» again, this time in a proper fashion?
Also of note, the center console - mounted shift lever now works in proper fashion, similar to sequential - shift race cars: pull back for manually controlled upshifts, and push forward for downshifts.
From the way it sounds, to the amount of power it produces, we're so glad that Lexus chose to balance the power to weight ratio of the RX in proper fashion.
Place any mobile phone in a place where it can be operated without causing the driver to have to reach for it in a manner that would strain seatbelts worn in the proper fashion;
Though Android Wear is in its early days, and Google I / O will be many Developers» first introduction to the wearable OS in proper fashion, we'd love some more info on the 360.
Inspectors, or Quality Inspectors, assure that manufactured items are both made and assembled in the proper fashion and that they meet government standards and safety regulations.
It is up to you to make sure that you write your skills section profoundly, highlighting each detail in a proper fashion.
But, resumes are more detailed documents, it is important to articulate this information to them in a proper fashion.
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