Sentences with phrase «proper name»

My parents always explained things to me by using proper names for things.
In general, a star without a known proper name is assigned a catalogue number — preferably a relatively old one — in the star name area.
Even proper names, like street names, worked better than expected.
Why: Now that your toddler is speaking, she needs to learn proper names so others will understand her.
This is precisely why we do not teach our children proper names for sex organs.
So, please just play along with what we call it for a bit realizing that I know it most likely isn't the most proper name for it.
For the enhanced experience, the ZenFone 2 Deluxe comes with features like Easy Mode, Interruptions (more like Do Not Disturb mode on other smartphones), ZenMotion with touch and motion gestures, glove mode, quick trigger for one - handed mode, SIM Manager for proper naming of SIMs if both the slots are having active SIM cards.
In the style of the times, they are not given proper names, but are both referred to as MUTOs, an acronym.
The pervasive influence of Sufism in Indonesia is shown by the frequency with which the names of the founders of the orders, and of famous mystics like Ghazali, are used as proper names for the sake of the blessing ascribed to them.
Accessing X-Ray will get you things like a list of proper names in the book, how often those names appear and where, as well as other extrapolated information about the form of the book's content.
We normally don't cover tablets that hardly get proper names or labels, generally because they are not worth the attention, but also because tablets from more reputable brands are so cheap by now, that there's no reason to buy a dubious tablet from a brand you've never heard of before from your local 24/7 megastore.
You can ease into the discussion with proper names of body parts and what their main job is (sperm is produced in the testicles, eggs are stored in a woman's ovaries, the uterus is where the baby will grow...) look up anything you have a question about before starting your discussion.
We get them by translation from the Greek, Pater, Huios, and Hagia Pneuma, rather than by transliterating them from the original language, like true proper names such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
They aren't trained in proper naming conventions of files and, therefore, fear that they won't be able to find the exact document they need when they need it.
It's a three phase process that includes proper name translation, a machine translation, followed by native speakers who make sure the text adheres to the standards of the market.
In 2016, the International Astronomical Union organized a Working Group on Star Names (WGSN)[23] to catalog and standardize proper names for stars.
Check proper names for exact spelling (e.g., PowerPoint, not Powerpoint or Power Point).
But there is a deeper problem, which is that this same God has already given himself a true proper name in Hebrew.
So while earlier we have seen the tablet being accorded proper names — Hollywood and Cyanote for the 10 and 7 inch tablet respectively, what has now emerged — if what Detwiler Fenton and his consumer research team is to be believed — the two tablets will come included with the Amazon's Instant Video service.
The repeated command, its authority bolstered by the familiar - sounding intonations of an Obama impersonator, was part of the sound track for William Pope.L's 2009 reinvention of Allan Kaprow's 1961 Yard — two proper names now attached to a pile of tires occupying the same town house on New York's Upper East Side where the Martha Jackson Gallery hosted Kaprow's original intrusion.
Granted, a lot of case - specific information is going to contain proper names and abbreviations, but typos really make the final output look juvenile.
- You need to know how to spell proper names of gaming devices and agree to override exceptionally dumb custom naming when necessary.
Tartan is the pattern's proper name so it would be more correct to say that I'm «mad for tartan» but that doesn't rhyme.
As we have seen, there is the untranslatable proper name YHWH, which was Israel's most treasured word to point to the reality, who, they believed, had delivered them from Egyptian bondage.
Unlike the sacred name represented by «Lord,» none of these are pure proper names, but flow out of Jesus» pious Jewish avoidance of uttering the name.
We need to start calling things there proper name and if someone is confronting another in a Walmart and telling that person they may go to hell something is wrong.
It embraces a fruitful abundance of descriptions of God, including all the substantive terms that can legitimately complete the sentence, «God is...,» beginning with scriptural terms such as Word, Wisdom, Water of Life, Bread from Heaven, Truth, and Comforter, as well as alternative proper names such as El Shaddai and also El Roi» Hagar's name for God, in the only biblical story where a human being gives God a name.
On these terms, the self could conceivably remain «nothing but» an arbitrary label for those accretions of flesh that bear proper names or social security numbers.
p.s. Proper names are always capitalized... even fictional characters... even unicorns whose characters are named.
His aphasia is another result of the bullet that entered his head, but I don't recognize that he's using almost exclusively pronouns instead of proper names until he points it out himself.
A Cheeky Kea, proper name Nestor notabilis, takes a closer look at a car antenna in the Fiordland National Park,...
The Nemesis system is essentially a grid of all of the orc (or Uruk for those into proper names) Warchiefs and Captains wandering around Mordor.
As expected, the company won't give out the names that will become available, but Major Nelson did provide a list of the categories where they belong to, from proper names, pop culture references, types of food, geography and travel to science and technology, math and numbers, animals and «some of the greatest inventions of all time.»
From the time he stopped exhibiting torn posters, everything Hains presented in galleries and museums depended on chains of verbal puns and cross-references usually involving proper names.
Sara Magenheimer's (b. 1981, Philadelphia) From the Movie of the Same Name (2016) marches disembodied proper names across a black screen.
Her sound installation Birdcalls — for which she turned the names of lionized male artists into bird - like chirps, thus playfully asserting her resistance to the authoritative and patronymic proper name — is installed in the Museum's Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden.
However, «ise» /» isation» spellings in certain proper names should be retained (e.g. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development).
(As an aside, I wonder when the defining characteristic of the Third Age becomes clear enough that we can give it its own proper name.)
And ignoring things like Verizon's bloatware and a ridiculous proper name of «Moto Z Droid Edition» and «Moto Z Force Droid Edition,» there's a lot to like here.

Phrases with «proper name»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z