Sentences with phrase «proper names in»

It is probably best to introduce «God» as a logically proper name in terms of a suitable Russellian description, as Bowman Clarke has well noted.2 Descriptions fail of their mark, however, unless postulates or theorems are forthcoming assuring the existence and uniqueness of the entity described.
What likely started out as a nickname has become a proper name in its own right.

Not exact matches

«The main reason it's such a big deal here is that it's going to affect our water supply,» Aries Yumul, an assistant principal at North Dakota's Todd County School District and a self - identified water protector with the Oceti Sakowin, the proper name for the people commonly known as the Sioux, told Business Insider in November.
«They ignored the proper name,» BPI's lawyer, Dan Webb, said in court Monday, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
@ Joe: And if your religion tells you that you must bring jihad to the nonbelievers of the world, and your religion tells you that if you die a martyr fighting and killing the nonbeliever, and so, in the name of your religion and your religious beliefs, you hijack 4 planes and kill 3,000 people, that makes you a proper person?
If he succeeded and built the Holy Temple in its proper place and gathered the dispersed ones of Israel together, this is indeed the anointed one for certain, and he will mend the entire world to worship the Lord together, as it is stated: «For then I shall turn for the nations a clear tongue, so that they will all procalim the Name of the Lord, and to worship Him with a united resolve (Zephaniah 3:9).»
It comes to play an overwhelmingly important role in Western Christianity because Jerome, when translating the Bible into Latin, chose «omnipotence» consistently to replace Shaddai, one of the proper names of God in the Hebrew scriptures.
Go ahead and say that I don't have a right to write a book because I don't have the proper letters behind my name, because I didn't study in the ivory halls with that theologian you like to retweet, because I don't have a properly footnoted thesis to back up the truth I know and practice in my life.
In the Qur» an the proper and comprehensive name which emphasizes His individuality is the Ultimate Being, known to Muslims as Allah, or the name of the Almighty and the Sublime.
Name anything else that it is wise to believe in without proper evidence?
Nor can we use «God» as the proper name of a unique item in the universe.
[7] «God» is not in the ordinary sense either a common or a proper name.
Since any English word is wrong, we have preferred to retain the familiar «Kingdom», but to capitalize it to indicate that we are using it as a proper name to designate the malkuth shamayim which Jesus proclaimed and not in its normal English sense.
(In fact, it must be embarrassing for many Protestants to see this group use in its proper name a label that is so much bigger than it and that means something better than the POAU movementIn fact, it must be embarrassing for many Protestants to see this group use in its proper name a label that is so much bigger than it and that means something better than the POAU movementin its proper name a label that is so much bigger than it and that means something better than the POAU movement.)
That the Lord's Supper is celebrated and his death proclaimed until he returns; that in the name of the triune God baptism is administered and God's justifying Word is preached; that we are the Lord's in life and in death and therefore in our first and in our last failure; that we believe, hope and love — to proclaim and mediate that is the proper function of the Church.
Completely realistically and, indeed, sympathetically conceived and presented, he protests, in the name of a regular and quite proper Jewish concept of justice, against the unfairness, to him, of the whole proceedings.
In the biblical language, the word elohim was combined with the proper name of the God of Israel, and later the word theos was used in the same waIn the biblical language, the word elohim was combined with the proper name of the God of Israel, and later the word theos was used in the same wain the same way.
Thus it came about that the first important proper name to have been written in many of these languages must have been the name of Jesus, with its pronunciation adapted to their distinctive phonic structure, just as it had been in all the languages of Europe.
And it is sure to reinforce the growing, salutary conviction that Christians can not be children of their Father in heaven without their older brothers and sisters in the faith, the people of Israel to whom the living God revealed his proper name.
We need to start calling things there proper name and if someone is confronting another in a Walmart and telling that person they may go to hell something is wrong.
It embraces a fruitful abundance of descriptions of God, including all the substantive terms that can legitimately complete the sentence, «God is...,» beginning with scriptural terms such as Word, Wisdom, Water of Life, Bread from Heaven, Truth, and Comforter, as well as alternative proper names such as El Shaddai and also El Roi» Hagar's name for God, in the only biblical story where a human being gives God a name.
Satan means «adversary» and is more of a title than a proper name and it can apply to anyone that impedes the path of another, namely in regard to a spiritual path.
When to this is added the stipulation that no condition» such as the proper observance of human rights» should be attached to development aid, the stage is set for countries with faulty political and economic systems to demand, in the name of human rights, that economically successful countries bail them out.
The Septuagint, a product of Hellenistic Jewish scholarship used Pantocrator, chiefly in Job, to translate, or actually to replace, the proper name of God, Shaddai.
The first sign of uniqueness is in the proper name by which the God of Israel was known.
In her account of her «shewings», by which she meant the disclosures (or series of revelations) which she believed were given her in the cell which as an «anchoress» or hermit she occupied adjoining St. Julian's Church in Norwich (hence the name which has been given her), she sets forth what she has learned to be the proper «ghostly [spiritual] understanding» of the basic Christian messagIn her account of her «shewings», by which she meant the disclosures (or series of revelations) which she believed were given her in the cell which as an «anchoress» or hermit she occupied adjoining St. Julian's Church in Norwich (hence the name which has been given her), she sets forth what she has learned to be the proper «ghostly [spiritual] understanding» of the basic Christian messagin the cell which as an «anchoress» or hermit she occupied adjoining St. Julian's Church in Norwich (hence the name which has been given her), she sets forth what she has learned to be the proper «ghostly [spiritual] understanding» of the basic Christian messagin Norwich (hence the name which has been given her), she sets forth what she has learned to be the proper «ghostly [spiritual] understanding» of the basic Christian message.
But this event has the speciality which is proper to it; indeed, each and every occurrence in the creation has just such a quality of speciality — nobody is identical with anybody else; every happening in the world, especially as we come to what might be named «the higher levels» in that world, is itself and nothing else.
As the Pope says, «given such a grave situation, we need now more than ever to have the courage to look the truth in the eye and to call things by their proper names, without yielding to convenient compromises or to the temptation of self - deception.»
But what I found in every case is that «almighty» is used as a substitute for the proper name «Shaddai.»
The explanation is that in the Jewish scriptures there are two proper names for God, Yahweh and Shaddai.
In fact, «Christ» became so closely identified with Jesus of Nazareth that it became in actual usage a part of his proper namIn fact, «Christ» became so closely identified with Jesus of Nazareth that it became in actual usage a part of his proper namin actual usage a part of his proper name.
This became such an integral part of his identity that only a few decades after his death this Jewish title was used in its Greek translation — Christ — as part of Jesus» proper name.
In metaphysical exegesis proper names, features of the landscape, numbers, gender, and other details, each have a deeper significance corresponding to a state of consciousness.
Stories such as those in the books of Ruth, Esther, Judith, which are nowadays taken as fictional rather than historical, use not only plenty of proper names, but often supply unnecessarily exact details.
In this sense, it matters little enough whether he is given any particular proper name, although there are other reasons for calling him «God» and certainly we are right in describing him as «Love»In this sense, it matters little enough whether he is given any particular proper name, although there are other reasons for calling him «God» and certainly we are right in describing him as «Love»in describing him as «Love».
There are, of course, proper names of God or gods, whether in the polytheistic religions or, as in ancient Israel, where the one omnipotent God, Yahweh, bears a special name because the people is convinced to have had a special experience of him in its history, which characterizes him despite his incomprehensibility and actual namelessness and thus confers a name on him.
1 Modern scholars treat these terms as titles rather than proper names, Tartan as commander - in - chief of the army, Rabsaris as head of the eunuchs, and Rabshakeh as chief cupbearer.
(The term is used mostly in Christian circles as a named discipline, but applies, as a discipline, to the proper interpretation of any kind of communication.)
In reflecting upon Vashti McCollum's death, J. Brent Walker, executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, told the CENTURY: «The 1948 case that bears her name set the tone for the Supreme Court's view on the proper relationship between church and state in public schools.&raquIn reflecting upon Vashti McCollum's death, J. Brent Walker, executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, told the CENTURY: «The 1948 case that bears her name set the tone for the Supreme Court's view on the proper relationship between church and state in public schools.&raquin public schools.»
One problem was that, in the Septuagint, «Cosmocrator», ruler of the cosmos, replaced Shaddai, the proper name for God in part of the Pentateuch and in Job.
«Again, respect of persons, in uncovering the head and bowing the knee or body in salutation, was a practice I had been much in the use of; and this, being one of the vain customs of the world, introduced by the spirit of the world, instead of the true honor which this is a false representation of, and used in deceit as a token of respect by persons one to another, who bear no real respect one to another; and besides this, being a type and a proper emblem of that divine honor which all ought to pay to Almighty God, and which all of all sorts, who take upon them the Christian name, appear in when they offer their prayers to him, and therefore should not be given to men; - I found this to be one of those evils which I had been too long doing; therefore I was now required to put it away and cease from it.
Consequently, even though faith itself is an existential, rather than a metaphysical, matter, it necessarily implies certain claims about the ultimate reality of self, others, and the whole in its structure in itself as well as in its meaning for us; and the proper name for all such claims is precisely «metaphysical.»
The other temptation is to believe that if we put the proper legislation in place, if we provide the proper ideological underpinnings to our ecological policies, then the end of the violence we do to one another in the name of electric power (not to mention oil, paper, coffee and cucumbers) will be at hand.
The proper name for the tradition in question, says Parris, is liberalism.
They can not be converted by force, no one can; but there is a proper ordering of human life which should be carried out by the Church in the name of the heavenly city.
There is no local tradition or historical evidence connecting Thomas with the Parthian empire proper; but it is very probable that Thomas worked in Basra and its neighbourhood on his way to India and the first contact of the Indian church was with the church in Basra (Fais), the name of Thomas linking them together.
In his 1930 book on Anselm, Karl Barth offers a theological rather than a philosophical answer: We understand God by calling on him by his proper name, «that which is greater than anything that can be conceived.»
In the great majority of instances where the Greek and Latin words are used, the Hebrew is a proper name, «Shaddai.»
The ordinary believer is also familiar with several of the names of the twenty - five prophets mentioned in the Qur» an, not only because almost all of these names are used as proper names, but also because there are more or less complete descriptions of the lives of the prophets written in Malay, in Arabic script, and now also available in Indonesian in Latin characters, and in Javanese in Javanese script.
The exploration of «theology proper,» a ready activity in Pentecostal schools, more often than not will be done with the aid of systematic theologies bearing the names of authors who pre-dated the Pentecostal movement — Charles G. Finney, Charles Hodge, W G. T. Shedd, A. H. Strong, R. A. Torrey.
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