Sentences with phrase «proper reply»

Is it a proper reply that Shakespeare was of course no actuality before he became such but was a possibility prior to actualization?
Society members kept their homes filled with umbrella stands, sent photographs of themselves taken in the rain to out - of - state friends, and if a stranger asked about Mount Rainier, the proper reply was.
I was already spending a lifetime thinking of the proper reply to his question, when I saw that you had it taken care of in just a few micro-seconds.
If you can check back here in 12 to 24 hours, I'll have a proper reply.
What's silly is your inability to reply to more than one point in each message I write and even then, you're not really engaging or writing a proper reply.
A proper reply to his comment would have been, «Sorry, I didn't mean for my comment to be taken that way, let me rephrase.»
I'm sure MS is on it, but I would suggest posting this in the official Xbox Support Forums to get a quicker official and proper reply.
The proper reply to «My kid could do that» would be, most of the time, «Maybe so — but you can't.»
In addition, in their reply, the Applicants made new arguments and new references to evidence, outside the scope of a proper reply.
[16] To summarize: the questions that the plaintiff proposes to ask in cross-examination of Dr. Glynn - Morris are proper, and to the extent that they elicit expert opinions, those opinions are proper reply or rebuttal.
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