Sentences with phrase «proper role of the teacher»

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Because we disagree on the proper method of baptism, the role of women in the church or the proper interpretation of a certain Biblical passage does not make one of us correct and the other a «false teacher».
«As a country, we seem to have left the role of career choices and proper counselling of students to teachers, some of whom may not be professionally endowed with the right knowledge and skills to perform that task,» he said.
Here is an example of how you can utilize the Eight Limbs of Yoga as a guide to proper ethics and boundaries in the role of teacher.
The structure of the single - point rubric allows us as educators to work toward returning grades and teacher feedback to their proper roles: supporting and fostering real learning in our students.
«We talked in broader terms of education funding and the need for attracting teachers and what to do about inner city schools, as well as the proper role of federal government.
Teachers certainly have a role to play within society, helping all to learn about the benefits of proper integration and inclusivity, because the last thing we would want to do is ostracise anyone within our communities because they appear different to us or are not what people might consider «normal» — whatever this means.
From proper nutrition and physical fitness to accounting for the socio - emotional growth of students and the well being of teachers, schools play an integral role in maintaining the health and wellness of all students.
The Center for American Progress (CAP) identified some of these obstacles in a November 2012 study of early - adopter states, including restructuring and staffing state education agencies; lack of capacity and the tight fiscal climate; debates concerning local control and the proper role of the state; training administrators who will be conducting new teacher evaluations; and determining how to evaluate teachers who do not teach in tested subjects or grades and therefore lack student achievement data (McGuinn, 2012).
The irony of course is that the nation's teachers unions — especially UFT's parent organization, the American Federation of Teachers — have adopted the language of racial justice activism (and have appropriated the Black Lives Matter name) in an effort to deflect attention from their role in perpetuating the systems that deny black and brown children a proper edteachers unions — especially UFT's parent organization, the American Federation of Teachers — have adopted the language of racial justice activism (and have appropriated the Black Lives Matter name) in an effort to deflect attention from their role in perpetuating the systems that deny black and brown children a proper edTeachers — have adopted the language of racial justice activism (and have appropriated the Black Lives Matter name) in an effort to deflect attention from their role in perpetuating the systems that deny black and brown children a proper education.
The role of a health teacher is to educate the students on the significance of proper physical and mental health.
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