Sentences with phrase «proper safe distance»

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Then, of course, there are the family days and shopping trips as well as long - distance trips to see relatives - all of which require proper car seats to keep the children safe.
All licensed drivers know that those rules control our every action on the road: yielding the right - of - way, stopping at stop signs, following at a safe distance and maintaining a proper speed are all basic knowledge for any licensed driver.
Some of these strategies include having proper hand position on the steering wheel, keeping a safe following distance, and successfully scanning the road ahead.
I also agree that safe driving has a lot to do with knowing the proper following distance.
Maintaining proper following distance isn't only a safe driving practice, it will increase your gas economy too.
The driving test will require you to perform tasks such as stopping and starting, turning around and backing up, making proper left and right turns, giving hand signals or using mechanical turn signals, driving in the proper lane, maintaining a safe following distance, and properly wearing your seatbelt.
Your driving instructor will discuss the proper way of keeping safe on the road which may include maintaining a safe distance from the car in front and the use of lights for making signal.
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