Sentences with phrase «proper sentence structure»

For instance, a recent change rewarded top performers using proper sentence structure with a much longer headline.
Learning how to master proper sentence structure and grammar is not like a piece of cake.
We continuously put an adequate amount of energy and creativity into our essays so they are distinguished with solid style, academic purity, and of course proper sentence structure and spelling.
Professional resume writing may be most valuable for proper sentence structure, crisp & efficient sentences, compelling content, and the ability to tell a story.
Professional editor will look at every single sentence and make necessary changes to ensure proper sentence structure, word use, smooth flow of ideas, transitions between the paragraphs
Some homeschool writing curricula give advanced essay writing instruction, but neglect basic proper sentence structure and basic paragraph writing.
And learn to spell (spellcheck is automatic, for God's sake) and use proper sentence structure.
However, sometimes I have difficult time with the proper sentence structure.
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