Sentences with phrase «proper translation»

Jane: too many AMERICAN citizens children who are the children of immigrants often economic refugees from Latin America (of undocumented if you prefer) lack proper ESL classes in their local schools and their hardworking parents lack proper translation into Spanish so if a few dollars in taxes will change that.
So Biblical scholars make their best guesses at proper translation.
I did also try to incorporate some Aramaic lyrics into the score, but it proved too difficult to find proper translations and pronunciations in Aramaic this time around.
At the time, the company said that the kernel source code for the Honor View 10 would be released in a week or two, once proper translations had been provided.
The kernel sources aren't available yet, but will be released in the next week or two (for the EU model) once Honor finishes working on them and provides proper translations.
The proper translation is «THOU SHALT NOT MURDER».
Be patient and science will match the proper translations of the stories of the Bible.
Re: «couple this proper translation of Luke 24:21, with Mark's account stating the women purchase the spices AFTER the Sabbath, and Luke's account stating they prepared the spices and ointments and THEN rest on the Sabbath in obedience to the command, the ONLY day possible for the crucifixion was on Wednesday.»
Also, the point of the proper translation of Luke 24:21 «TODAY leads (G710 apo) the third day AWAY (G575 ago)» clearly shows that THAT DAY (first day of the week) was LEADING the third day AWAY, as the third day had already come and gone as IT was the WEEKLY Sabbath.
The proper translation of the saying is «Give your child guidance, or they will go astray.»
3 or 4 proof texts that are not consistent with context and proper translation is a pretty weak justification for engaging in something so ugly.
Jesus on the other hand is a proper translation since Ieasou has never been forgotten.
JHWH or YHWH, pick and choose, you, as well with anyone else (including myself) will most likely be wrong on the proper translation.
The proper translation of this «love of fate» is «love of the spoken word», that is of the fatum which is our destiny.
Note that the English subtitles represent a proper translation of the Japanese dialogue as opposed to a transcription of the heavily - paraphrased English dialogue.
The 3DS version has the original mistranslations instead of the proper translations.
I mean, it's not likely a game I'll end up buying, but it could turn out to be at least half decent and a proper translation of the classic Castlevania gameplay into 3D.
The problem is then compounded by «adding a safety margin» (the proper translation of this is «more profit»).
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