Sentences with phrase «proper vet care»

All of our animals receive proper vet care, including vaccinations and prevention of common pet diseases and infections.
Vet rates need to be regulated so that pet owners are encouraged to bring their pets in for proper vet care.
The failure to provide water and proper vet care resulted in the needless suffering and subsequent death of the young Pit Bull.
It can also be not being groomed, fed enough or receiving proper vet care.
We estimate that with proper vet care, a nutritious diet, and general care, it costs up to $ 500.00 a year to keep a companion animal.
this is especially true for the shelters and rescues who doesn't provide proper vet care; I can't believe there are still that many rescuers who do not even spay / neuter the animals... why are you even rescuing if you can't do the strict mininmum?
RAIN - Rescue Animals in Need was formed in 2010 by a group of dedicated volunteers who wished to reduce the number of homeless and endangered pets through public education and proper vet care of all of their animals including mandatory spay / neuter of all RAIN pets.
Once these dogs are safely out of the shelter and in our arms we begin the process of rehabilitating their bodies and their minds through proper vet care and training.
We are not a rescue that rushes placement or omits proper vet care.
«Our Mission is to find dogs their forever family; to speak for the abused, neglected, and abandoned; to educate adopters, reduce the number of homeless, and provide proper vet care; and to save those that need saving.»
How many are brought in because the owner can't afford to take a sick, injured, or elderly animal to a vet and they hope that by taking it to a «shelter», their beloved pet will receive proper vet care or a peaceful death?
FIV + cats can live long lives with the proper vet care, diet and of course affection.»
Vet Care: Proper vet care is one of the most important things for elderly rabbits.
While it is important that adopted pets get good food and proper vet care, it really is more important that they have a loving home.
Poor Liam suffered for years in pain with no proper vet care and badly neglected (left outside, skinny, badly matted) before he was dumped at a city shelter.
Proper vet care should be provided and vaccinations and preventative medications must be kept current.
Pets can also be expensive, so don't get a pet unless you have the financial resources to provide it proper vet care, which can get very expensive, especially in emergencies.
Others are abandoned, abused, and neglected... left to roam the streets without food or proper vet care.
Liam suffered for years in pain with no proper vet care and badly neglected (left outside, skinny, badly matted) before he was dumped at a city shelter.
Proper vet care for birds can be expensive.
In addition to proper vet care and regular cleanings, pet manufacturers are now offering a greater variety of products to make dental health care easy to manage for pet owners.
Unfortunately, unlike dogs, there is no drug used to treat heartworm infection in cats, so a long - term plan of proper vet care and maintaining monthly preventatives (like pills, topicals, or shots) is key.
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